Page 157 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 157

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – KAR
                                                  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
                   Karooooo Ltd.                  HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 2.09  - 9.22  - 7.06  - 17.14  - 20.00
        KAR                                       NAV PS (ZARc)  46.63  61.54  85.60  87.33  84.28
       ISIN: SGXZ19450089  SHORT: KAROO  CODE: KRO
       REG NO: 201817157Z  FOUNDED: 2018  LISTED: 2021  3 Yr Beta  1.64  2.64  1.21  0.43  - 1.95
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Karooooo Ltd., Headquartered in Singapore, is a  Price High  19  70  140  137  180
        leading global mobility SaaS platform that maximizes the value of  Price Low  8  7  30  72  51
        automotive and workflow data by providing real-time data analytics  Price Prd End  12  11  50  107  115
        solutions for smart transportation to over 1.3 million connected vehicles.  RATIOS
        The Cartrack (wholly owned by Karooooo) SaaS platform, provides  Ret on SH Fnd  - 8.95  - 13.79  - 15.05  - 26.66  - 20.46
        customers with differentiated insights and data analytics to optimize their  D:E  0.02  0.02  -  0.07  0.01
        business and workforce, increase efficiency, decrease costs, improve safety,  Current Ratio  0.63  0.81  2.46  0.56  0.84
        monitor environmental impact, assist with regulatory compliance and
        manage risk.
       SECTOR:Technology—Technology—Software&CompSer—ComputerService  Kore Potash plc
       DIRECTORS: Leong A (ind ne), NagleBT(ind ne),  ISIN: GB00BYP2QJ94  SHORT: KORE  CODE: KP2
        Brown D (Chair, ind ne), Calisto I J (CEO), Grundlingh M (CFO)  REG NO: 10933682  FOUNDED: 2017  LISTED: 2018
       POSTAL ADDRESS: 10 Anson Road, #12-14, International Plaza,  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Kore Potash plc (ASX:KP2) is an advanced stage
        Singapore, 079903                          mineral exploration and development company that is incorporated in the
       MORE INFO:  United Kingdom and is in the process of an AIM listing. The primary asset
       COMPANY SECRETARY:                          of KP2 is the 97%-owned Sintoukola Potash SA (SPSA) in the Republic of
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  Congo. SPSA has 100% ownership of the Kola Mining Lease within which
       SPONSOR: Merrill Lynch SA (Pty) Ltd.        the Company’s lead project, the Kola Sylvinite Deposit (Measured and
                                                   Indicated Potash Mineral Resource of 508 million tonnes grading 35.4%
                                                   KCl) is located. SPSA also has 100% ownership of the Dougou Mining
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED   Lease within which the Dougou Carnallitite Deposit (Measured and
       KRO  Ords no par val        -     29 876 600  Indicated Potash Mineral Resource of 1.1 billion tonnes grading 20.6%
                                                   KCl) and the Dougou Extension Sylvinite Prospect are situated.
                  Kibo Energy PLC                 SECTOR:BasicMaterials—BasicResrcs—IndMet&Min—GeneralMining
                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 36
        KIB                                       DIRECTORS: Keating T (ne), Netherway D (snr ind ne), Oundhakar S (ne),
       ISIN: IE00B97C0C31  SHORT: KIBO  CODE: KBO  Perez T M R (ne), Trollip J (ne), Hathorn D A (Chair, ne),
       REG NO: 451931   FOUNDED: 2008  LISTED: 2011  Sampson S B (CEO), Chamberlain G (COO), Maruta A (CFO)
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Kibo Energy PLC is a multi-asset, Africa and UK  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 21 Feb 2020
        focused, energy company positioned to address the acute power deficit,  Princess Aurora Company Pte. Ltd.  19.74%
        which is one of the primary impediments to economic development in  Sociedad Quimica y Minera de Chile SA (SQM)  19.26%
        Sub-Saharan Africa. To this end, it is the Company's objective to become a  Dingyi Group Investments Ltd.  12.91%
        leading independent power producer in the region.  MORE INFO:
       SECTOR: AltX                               COMPANY SECRETARY: SJCS and Henko Vos
       DIRECTORS: Kerremans W (ne), Lianos A (ne), MareeLM(ind ne),  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
        O'KeeffeNF(ne), Phumaphi M (ne), Schutte C E,  SPONSOR: Questco Corporate Advisory (Pty) Ltd.
        Schaffalitzky C (Chair, ne, UK), Coetzee L L (CEO), Krügel P (CFO)  AUDITORS: BDO Inc.
         Sanderson Capital Partners Ltd.  23.38%  KP2  Ords US0.001c          -   2 451 768 173
         Yakoub Yakoubov                   5.35%
         Spreadex Ltd.                     4.16%  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 957 845 shares p.w., R211 409.7(2.0% p.a.)
       MORE INFO:         BASM       40 Week MA   KORE
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Noel O'Keeffe
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       DESIGNATED ADVISOR: River Group                                                 328
       AUDITORS: Crowe Ireland
       KBO  Ords of EUR1.5c ea     -   2 348 960 391
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 2m shares p.w., R184 685.3(4.2% p.a.)
               MINI       40 Week MA   KIBO
                                           576       2018  |     2019  |    2020   |
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (Amts in USD'000)  Dec 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17
                                           348                   Final  Final  Final   Final
                                                  Turnover          -     53     73     51
                                                  Op Inc        - 3 152  - 4 163  - 6 171  - 7 127
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)    -     15     81     39
                                                  Minority Int     - 3    1       -      -
                                           5      Att Inc       - 3 141  - 4 203  - 6 269  - 4 344
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  8 178  - 7 307  - 13 374  9 247
       NOTES: Kibo Mining Plc changed to Kibo Energy PLC effective 7 August  Fixed Ass  542  561  302  414
                                                  Tot Curr Ass   5 780  7 979  6 532  16 736
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Ord SH Int    178 225  162 293  155 174  154 220
       (Amts in GBP'000)  Jun 20  Dec 19  Dec 18  Dec 17  Dec 16  Minority Int  - 564  - 559  - 561  -
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  Tot Curr Liab  786  3 023  2 205  3 258
       Turnover        -     -    -     -    18
       Op Inc       - 1 318  - 4 549  - 4 075  - 4 521  - 5 000  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  -   - 646  - 38  - 1  - 1 415  HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 2.80  - 5.06  - 9.94  - 7.67
       Minority Int   170  - 403  - 648  - 807  -  NAV PS (ZARc)  144.93  196.14  266.96  252.43
       Att Inc      - 1 426  - 3 500  - 3 389  - 3 713  - 3 585  Price High  56  180  500  -
       TotCompIncLoss  - 583  - 3 817  - 4 438  - 4 503  - 1 959  Price Low  14  19  70  -
       Fixed Ass      10    64    20    8     9   Price Prd End    18     22    180      -
       Tot Curr Ass  1 465  1 267  743  826  433  RATIOS
       Ord SH Int   27 627  28 270  26 412  16 025  17 526  Ret on SH Fnd  - 1.77  - 2.60  - 4.05  - 6.76
       Minority Int   441   27   409   927   - 1  Oper Pft Mgn      -  - 7 854.72  - 8 453.42 - 13 974.51
       Tot Curr Liab  2 337  1 560  302  1 477  513  Current Ratio  7.35  2.64  2.96   5.14
   152   153   154   155   156   157   158   159   160   161   162