Page 84 - Stock Exchange Handbook 2020 - Issue 3
P. 84
JSE – ALL Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2020 – Issue 3
Att Inc - 145 336 240 1 465 729
TotCompIncLoss 105 457 284 1 049 1 069 Allied Electronics Corporation Ltd.
Fixed Ass 624 731 174 202 355 ALL
Inv & Loans 272 585 299 852 297 110 281 818 276 638
Tot Curr Ass 6 873 8 752 7 959 8 274 7 284
Ord SH Int 4 806 5 645 6 010 6 901 5 901
Minority Int 297 299 287 218 255
LT Liab 272 798 300 717 298 729 283 556 278 593
Tot Curr Liab 4 152 5 947 4 220 3 760 4 508
PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
HEPS-C (ZARc) 32.20 32.90 34.50 53.40 58.10 REG NO: 1947/024583/06 FOUNDED: 1965 LISTED: 1979
DPS (ZARc) 80.00 60.00 42.00 63.00 37.00
NAV PS (ZARc) 394.58 461.57 505.00 555.00 480.00 NATURE OF BUSINESS:
3 Yr Beta 0.22 - 0.43 0.73 - - Allied Electronics Corporation Ltd. (Altron) is domiciled in
Price High 647 720 770 810 1 090 South Africa and listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Price Low 280 420 526 550 451 (JSE). Altron is invested in the information and communica-
Price Prd End 428 503 720 643 670
tions technology sector (ICT). Altron’s solutions and services
are clustered into the four segments of its ICT capabilities,
Ret on SH Fnd 0.90 6.56 5.19 22.11 14.20 namely Digital Transformation, Smart IoT, ManagedServices,
Oper Pft Mgn - 16.68 16.68 22.39 23.05 19.96
D:E 53.46 50.59 47.44 39.83 22.51 Fintech and Healthtech. Altron creates value by providing in-
Current Ratio 1.66 1.47 1.89 2.20 1.62 novative and end-to-end technology solutions to business,
Div Cover - 0.15 0.45 0.45 1.82 1.54 government and consumers. Altron has a direct presence in
twelve African countries (including the United Arab
Emirates), Australia and the United Kingdom. The Altron
head office is located in Johannesburg, South Africa. Altron’s
strategic partnerships with leading international technology
companies offers the group an indirect presence in several
countriesacrossAfricaandthe Middle East. The AltronGroup
employs approximately 7 330 employees globally.
SECTOR: Tech—Tech—Software&Computer Srvcs—Computer Srvcs
Coronation Asset Management 25.75%
Value Capital Partners 20.97%
Biltron 14.07%
(R million) Feb 20 Feb 19 Feb 18 Feb 17 Feb 16
Final Final Final(rst) Final(rst) Final
Turnover 16 713 15 723 14 743 13 892 14 357
Op Inc 1 091 1 015 745 736 633
NetIntPd(Rcvd) 234 176 178 223 161
Tax 185 158 145 98 114
Minority Int - 12 39 - 19 - 117 - 227
Att Inc 670 711 187 - 185 - 873
TotCompIncLoss 627 870 100 - 496 - 949
Hline Erngs-CO 677 663 441 387 425
Fixed Ass 648 620 615 569 618
Inv in Assoc 15 19 20 23 4
Inv & Loans - - 468 302 199
Def Tax Asset 134 155 214 198 256
Tot Curr Ass 9 118 7 430 6 138 6 991 11 643
Ord SH Int 3 939 3 535 2 790 2 268 2 847
Minority Int - 176 - 162 - 245 - 240 - 111
LT Liab 2 502 1 424 1 580 2 048 2 714
Tot Curr Liab 7 360 6 804 5 811 5 808 8 997
ProfileData offers a range of INVESTOR RELATIONS (IR)
web data services designed to enhance listed company PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
EPS (ZARc) 180.00 192.00 51.00 - 54.00 - 259.00
websites. These include: live prices (updated continually, HEPS-C (ZARc) 182.00 179.00 119.00 114.00 126.00
15 mins delayed), end-of-day prices (updated daily), Pct chng p.a. 1.7 50.4 4.4 - 9.5 - 8.0
Tr 5yr av grwth % 7.8 2.0 0.4 - 6.6 - 8.0
news and SENS feeds, email alert services, interactive DPS (ZARc) 55.00 72.00 - - -
Pct chng p.a. - 23.6 - - - - 100.0
chartingoptionsandmuchmore. Tr 5yr av grwth % - 24.7 - 32.3 - 25.6 - 32.5 - 35.5
NAV PS (ZARc) 1 061.00 952.83 752.00 669.00 845.00
3 Yr Beta 0.11 - 0.03 0.64 1.16 0.93
Price High 2 875 2 029 1 394 1 198 1 778
Although built on proven designs and delivery methods,
Price Low 1 400 1 200 950 463 401
ProfileData’s IT team customise the IR data services to Price Prd End 2 019 1 880 1 245 1 035 550
meeteachclient’stechnicalanddesignrequirements. RATIOS 19.40 21.30 16.70 - 11.40 - 19.8
Ret on SH Fnd
Ret On Tot Ass 10.60 13.40 10.20 -8.30 -0.60
Oper Pft Mgn 6.53 6.46 5.05 5.30 4.41
D:E 1.02 0.92 1.16 1.68 1.83
For more information or bookings please contact: Int Cover 4.66 5.77 4.19 3.30 3.93
Lisa Trollope 082-454-9539 Current Ratio 1.24 1.09 1.06 1.20 1.29
Michelle Botes 082-601-4020 Div Cover 3.27 2.67 - - -
DIRECTORS: Leeming M J (Chair, ind ne), Nyati M (CE),
Miller C (CFO), BallAC(ne), DawsonBW(ne), FrancisBJ(ind ne),
GelinkGG(ind ne), Mnganga Dr P (ind ne), Sithole S (ne),
Van GraanSW(ind ne), VenterRE(ne)