Page 7 - Profile's Stock Exchange Handbook - 2021 Issue 3
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Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 3  About the Stock Exchange Handbook

          The Short Name Index lists companies by    Reporting of results by JSE listed companies is
       short name and shows the full name, sector, JSE  currently concentrated in three distinct periods –
       codeandthepagenumberofthatcompany’sentry.  March-May, August-September, and November.
          The Sector Table includes the JSE code, year  The publication of four books per year enhances the
       end, next results, market cap, P/E, market beta,  inclusionofrecentlypublishedresultsevenfurther.
       volatility and rand value traded per week. A sector  The various databases from which the Stock
       total is provided for market cap, and averages for  Exchange Handbook is compiled are updated on
       P/E and market beta.                       virtually a real-time basis. Our ShareData system,
          The Corporate Events Table provides a   from which the handbook’s financial statistics are
       summaryofnewlistings,delistings,namechanges,  drawn, is updated on a daily basis, and we receive
       sector changes, splits, and consolidations that took  earnings estimates from stockbroking firms on a
       place between issues of the Stock Exchange  weekly basis. The Stock Exchange Handbook
       Handbook.                                  represents a ‘snapshot’ of these highly up-to-date
       Compilation of the Stock                      Readers can access up-to-date information at
       Exchange Handbook                
                                                  Sources of Information
       Publication Cycle
                                                     ProfileData, which incorporates the research
          In January 2013, the publication cycle of the
       Stock Exchange Handbook was changed from three  division of the Profile Group, is a primary data
       books published in February, June and October to  source, and most of our information is researched
       four bookspublishedin February, May, Augustand  independently and drawn directly from each
       November each year going forward.          company’s own reports and accounts. SENS
                                                  notices, published financials and other announce-
                                                  ments are processed on a real-time basis.

       For more information on the graphs below and the other charts available for selected companies, please
                     Comparative benchmark: JSE sector index  Moving average (MA)  Share’s short name
                            LIGHT BLUE line  PEACH  line  NAVY BLUE  line

                                SCOM            40 Week MA     JASCO
                                                                    190  price
                                                                    142  cents
                          2015  |  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020
                        Closing price  P/E of share
                      (thick NAVY BLUE  line)  (thin PEACH  line)
                                         Lo PE Lo  Lo PE Hi  Hi PE Lo  Hi PE Hi
                        PICKNPAY  P/E
                                           Est      Est     Est      Est    Best case
                   38.05                                              16000
                                                                            (high P/E
                                                                           high estimate)
                    34.7                                              13600
                   31.35                                              11200   P/E
              scale                                                          scale
                     28                                               8800
                                                                            Worst case
                   24.65                                              6400
                                                                             (low P/E
                    21.3                                              4000  low estimate)
                      |   2016  |   2017  |  2018  |   2019  |  2020  |
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12