Page 6 - Profile's Stock Exchange Handbook - 2021 Issue 3
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About the Stock Exchange Handbook Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 3
About the Stock Exchange Handbook
About the Stock Exchange Handbook
What’s in the Stock Where to find more information
Exchange Handbook For readerswith accessto theInternet, Profile’s
website can be used as an
The Stock Exchange Handbook contains adjunct to the Stock Exchange Handbook.
information on all JSE listed companies, sectors,
stockbroking firms and sponsors. Listed ShareData Online is updated daily and
companies are sorted alphabetically by full name. provides additional resources for investors and
shareholders, enabling users to keep abreast of the
At least a full column (half page) is provided for
each listed company, allowing us to present latest results and news from listed companies.
important quick-reference information such as the Consensus Earnings Forecasts
JSE code, the nature of business, JSE sector,
directors,addressdetails,capitalstructure,liquidity Listed companies can use the Stock Exchange
stats, summarised financials for the last five years, Handbook to make analysts’ forecasts available to a
key ratios, and important per-share statistics. wider audience. For participating companies,
consensus earnings’ forecasts appear in an additional
All listed companies are invited to provide
additional information for the convenience of column. For a complete explanation of consensus
investors and shareholders by using the full page earnings forecasts and the information in this book,
format and, where appropriate, additional please visit
columns. The full page format includes detailed Directory/Sharepaedia/Forecasts_Sharepaedia.aspx.
activities, recent announcements, contribution by The majority of consensus forecasts for the
activity (where available), and more detailed Stock Exchange Handbook are supplied by leading
financial information. stockbrokers in South Africa. The following stock-
broking firms (which research JSE shares) are
Sector Descriptions currently contributors of forecasts:
Independent Securities (Pty) Ltd.
Since 23 March 2021 JSE securities have been
Investec Securities Ltd.
reclassified according to the Industry Classifica-
tion Benchmark (ICB) adopted by FTSE Russell. J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
The major changes include the formation of a Nedbank Capital (Pty) Ltd.
distinct Real Estate Industry, extension of the SBG Securities (Pty) Ltd.
Telecommunications Industry, use of the Consensus forecasts are available to subscribers
Consumer Discretionary/Consumer Staples foralllistedcompaniescoveredbytheabovefirmsat
framework and change of name to Energy for the
Oil and Gas Industry. For more detailed informa- Sharepaedia/Forecasts_Sharepaedia.aspx.
tion we refer you to the FTSE Russell Industry Analysis Data
Classification Benchmark webpage.
A number of leading companies make
The ICB remains a four-tier system which additional information available to investors in the
allows companies to be grouped in Industries, form of the Analysis Data column. This column
Super-sectors, Sectors and Sub-sectors. provides valuation data, additional ratios and
However, there are more groupings across the per-share statistics, historical share price
four levels. All securities are assigned to performance (total return data), risk/return
sub-sectors and therefore logically belong to profiles and several other graphs.
sectors, super-sectors and industries.
For a detailed explanation of the information
As an example, Mediclinic International plc’s presented in the Analysis Data column, please visit
sector mapping changed from
Health Care – Health Care – Health Care Sharepaedia/Valuations.aspx.
Equipment & Services – Health Care Providers Quick Reference Tables
Health Care – Health Care – Health Providers – Certain information needs to be quickly and
Health Care Facilities easily available for all shares. This information is
available in the reference tables at the front and
back of the book.