Page 95 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 95

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       JSE – ARR
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 3 416                 DIRECTORS: Adler T (ind ne), Basserabie A (ind ne), KinrossGS(ind
       DIRECTORS: Angus C (ind ne), ChristofidesPA(ld ind ne),  ne), Makhoba N (ind ne), Mokorosi S (ind ne), Nell M (Chair, ind ne),
        Litschka A F, Mapasa K (ind ne), Scharrighuisen T (Chair, ne, Neth),  Kaplan M (CEO), Kirkel A (CIO), Kader R (COO), Limalia J (CFO)
        Hendry T R (CEO, UK), Cox S J (FD)        MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 09 Jul 2020
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Mar 2020  Coronation Fund Managers       20.75%
         Morgan Stanley and Co.           21.82%    East & West Investment (Pty) Ltd.  12.09%
         Giflo Trading (Pty) Ltd.          9.75%    Investec Asset Management         9.78%
         Government Employees Pension Fund  6.76%  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 685, Melrose Arch, 2076
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 5108, La Lucia, Ridge Office Estate, 4019  MORE INFO:
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Jaco Dauth              TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: JSE Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  SPONSOR: Java Capital Trustees and Sponsors (Pty) Ltd.
       SPONSOR: PSG Capital (Pty) Ltd.            AUDITORS: BDO South Africa Inc.
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED  AHA  A ord shares    1 000 000 000  62 718 658
       ART  Ords no par value  200 000 000  60 550 705  AHB  B ord shares  2 000 000 000  408 184 961
       DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]                       DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
       Ords no par value     Ldt    Pay     Amt   A ord shares          Ldt     Pay    Amt
       Final No 43        24 Jul 18  30 Jul 18  10.00  Final No 22  21 Dec 20  28 Dec 20  58.69
       Interim No 42     19 Mar 18  26 Mar 18  10.00  Interim No 21  21 Dec 20  28 Dec 20  56.77
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 356 758 shares p.w., R2.1m(30.6% p.a.)  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 398 673 shares p.w., R3.5m(33.1% p.a.)
               IIND       40 Week MA   ARGENT             SAPY       40 Week MA  AWAPROPA
                                           963                                         1396
                                           817                                         1200
                                           671                                         1004
                                           524                                         808
                                           378                                         612
                                           232                                         415
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       NOTES: Gemgrow Properties Ltd. renamed to Arrowhead Properties Ltd.
       (Amts in ZAR'000)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  on 9 October 2019.
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
       Turnover    874 086 1 727 721 1 721 578 1 828 407 1 849 127  (R million)  Sep 20  Sep 19  Sep 18  Sep 17  Sep 16
       Op Inc       63 323  133 383  119 692 - 192 069  105 985  Final  Final  Final  Final  Final
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  7 753  14 721  4 498  11 178  18 495  NetRent/InvInc  1 163  1 450  468  430  83
       Minority Int  - 623  1 693  1 701  1 602  1 669  Total Inc  1 209  1 524  491  451  85
       Att Inc      45 353  96 221  83 763 - 184 192  61 764  Attrib Inc  - 733  - 843  112  422  100
       TotCompIncLoss  39 467  117 368  94 957 - 215 475  55 950  TotCompIncLoss  - 845  - 857  112  422  96
       Fixed Ass   461 592  466 120  450 736  417 589  631 861  Ord UntHs Int  6 619  7 796  3 715  3 846  1 491
       Inv & Loans     -     -  17 785  29 123  14 971  Investments  12 112  14 458  4 772  4 438  -
       Tot Curr Ass  898 893  837 568  786 594  803 613  858 820  FixedAss/Prop  -  1  -  -  -
       Ord SH Int  1 065 784 1 027 305 1 014 139  961 745 1 222 972  Tot Curr Ass  2 034  1 170  208  220  2 518
       Minority Int  19 553  20 176  18 483  16 782  15 180  Total Ass  14 434  16 226  5 146  4 944  2 518
       LT Liab     234 263  292 681  89 044  57 345  120 209  Tot Curr Liab  2 810  1 279  397  747  660
       Tot Curr Liab  348 731  237 394  292 074  306 820  368 416  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     HEPS-C (ZARc)  - 7.00  - 125.57  85.76  79.69  24.35
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  73.70  133.40  104.40  76.80  69.60  DPS (ZARc)  115.46  111.51  106.91  101.87  74.53
       DPS (ZARc)      -     -    -   20.00  21.00  NAV PS (ZARc)  791.00  990.00  962.00  972.00 3 149.79
       NAV PS (ZARc)  1 746.60 1 674.00 1 305.40 1 144.90 1 349.20  3 Yr Beta  0.61  0.05  0.26  0.26  0.51
       3 Yr Beta     - 0.04  - 0.29  - 0.87  - 0.01  0.71  Price Prd End  744  1 000  945  960  965
       Price High     591  620   590   500  520   Price High    1 060  1 035  1 031  1 050  1 180
       Price Low      390  401   307   360  356   Price Low      510  850   377   901  951
       Price Prd End  560  495   535   400  450   RATIOS
       RATIOS                                     RetOnSH Funds  - 11.09  - 9.52  3.01  10.98  13.34
       Ret on SH Fnd  8.24  9.35  8.28  - 18.66  5.12  RetOnTotAss  8.38  9.39  9.54  9.42  6.71
       Oper Pft Mgn  7.24  7.72  6.95  - 10.50  5.73  Debt:Equity  0.53  0.66  0.35  0.25  0.63
       D:E           0.24  0.29  0.15  0.17  0.20  OperRetOnInv  9.60  10.03  9.80  9.69  -
       Current Ratio  2.58  3.53  2.69  2.62  2.33  OpInc:Turnover  52.35  57.85  60.92  61.29  50.47
       Div Cover       -     -    -  - 10.27  3.24
                                                           Ascendis Health Ltd.
             Arrowhead Properties Ltd.             ASC
                                                  ISIN: ZAE000185005  SHORT: ASCENDIS  CODE: ASC
        ARR                                       REG NO: 2008/005856/06  FOUNDED: 2008  LISTED: 2013
       ISIN: ZAE000275509  SHORT: AWAPROPB  CODE: AHB  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Ascendis Health is a South African-based
       REG NO: 2007/032604/06  FOUNDED: 2007  LISTED: 2011  international health and wellness company marketing leading brands and
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Arrowhead is a diversified South African Real  products.
        Estate Investment Trust (“REIT”) focused on creating long-term  SECTOR: HlthCare—HtlhCare—Pharmaceutic&Biotech—Pharmaceuticals
        shareholder value. Arrowhead holds a diverse portfolio of retail, office and  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0
        industrial (collectively “commercial”) properties valued at R10.5 billion  DIRECTORS: BomelaMS(ind ne), Harie B (ld ind ne),
        (held directly and through subsidiaries). As at 31 March 2020, Arrowhead  NtsalubaSS(ind ne), PatherKS(ind ne), SebulelaJG(ind ne),
        held a 59.9% interest (2019: 59.6%) in its subsidiary, Indluplace  Marshall A B (Chair, ind ne), Sardi M (CEO), Kujenga C (CFO)
        Properties Ltd. (“Indluplace”), which owns a portfolio of residential  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 07 Apr 2021
        properties. The average value per direct property held as at 31 March 2020  International Finance Corporation  12.60%
        was R62.6 million (R57.2 million as at 30 September 2019). In addition,  Kefolile Health Investments (Pty) Ltd.  6.80%
        Arrowhead held an interest of 16.4% (2019: 16.4%) in Rebosis Property  Coast2Coast Capital (Pty) Ltd.  4.90%
        Fund Ltd. (“Rebosis”) as well as an 8.6% interest (2019: 8.6%) in Dipula  POSTAL ADDRESS:PostNetSuite252, PrivateBagX21,Bryanston,2021
        Income Fund Ltd. (“Dipula”) at 31 March 2020.  MORE INFO:
       SECTOR: RealEstate—RealEstate—REITS—Diversified  COMPANY SECRETARY: Mpeo Nkuna
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0                     TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100