Page 8 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 8

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 - Issue 2

         Join the Investor Relations Society


          What is the role of the society?         also being advised of practices that
                                                   have been less effective. This platform
          The IRSSA was formed in 2015 to
                                                   of sharing will improve techniques and
          represent the interests and provide a
                                                   encourage best practice. This includes
          voice for professional Investor
                                                   networking and profiling of members
          Relations practitioners and a place
                                                   and important challenges being
          where IR practitioners, the service
                                                   addressed by IR practitioners for the
          providers that support them and the
                                                   benefit of the community.
          community within which they work can
          come together.                           Engagement among practitioners that
                                                   are IRSSA members takes place through
          IRSSA's ultimate objective is to set
                                                   various formats including annual
          world-class investor relations
                                                   general meetings, conferences, digital
          standar ds    and    str engthen
                                                   communication platforms, and other
          communication between publicly
                                                   networking sessions.
          listed companies and shareholders,
          prospective investors and other          Who should join?
          interested parties. In turn, this will
                                                   The IRSSA is open to anyone but is best
          impr o ve     management ' s
                                                   suited to those who play a role in the
          understanding o f company
                                                   community including IR practitioners
          perceptions among the investment
                                                   themselves, C-suite who use them,
          community and promote the role of
                                                   bankers, brokers, analysts, sponsors,
          investor relations as a strategic
                                                   regulators, company secretaries,
                                                   media and investors. IR is a melting pot
          How do we fulfil this role?              and the ultimate place the financial
                                                   positioning of a company comes
          The IRSSA enables IR practitioners to
                                                   together for investors and other
          share experiences, become familiar
                                                   interested stakeholders.
          with new trends and how to apply
          these within their programmes, while

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