Page 7 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 7

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2  About the Stock Exchange Handbook

       HEPLU-C: Headline Earnings per Linked Unit  NAV: Net Asset Value
       from continued operations – used for loan stock  (P): Pro-forma financials
       companies where shares are linked to a debt  P/E: Ratio of Price to Earnings (12-month rolling
       instrument (see HEPS-C)
       HEPS-C: Headline Earnings per Share from   PEG: Price/Earnings Growth ratio
       excluding the effects of exceptional items and  (rst): Restated result
       discontinued operations.                   Scr/100: The number of shares a shareholder can
       Hline Erngs-CO: Headline earnings from continuing  elect to receive per one hundred ordinary share
       operations.                                held instead of a cash dividend.
       Ldt: Last day to trade (to qualify for dividends or  Tr 5yr av grwth %: Trailing five year average
       other corporate action)                    growth (ie, average of five years to that point)
       Ldr: Last day to register (to qualify for dividends or  TRI: Total Return Index (ie, price performance
       other corporate action)                    includingreinvestmentofdividends/distributions)
       Liquidity: The three figures shown are (i) the  Volatility: Standard deviation of month-on-month
       average number of shares traded per week, (ii) the  percentage price change over 36 months
       average value of shares traded per week, and (iii)  ZAR: South African rands
       the percentage of issued shares traded over the last  ZARc: South African cents
       year. (ii) is based on the latest share price available
       before going to print. (iii) is annualised where full  Note: All financial statements are presented in
       year data is not available.                accordance with International Financial Reporting
                                                  Standards (IFRS) unless otherwise stated.
       Market Cap: Market Capitalisation (calculated as
       total number of outstanding shares multiplied by
       share price)

       For more information on the graphs below and the other charts available for selected companies, please
                     Comparative benchmark: JSE sector index  Moving average (MA)  Share’s short name
                            LIGHT BLUE line  PEACH  line  NAVY BLUE  line

                                SCOM            40 Week MA     JASCO
                                                                    190  price
                                                                    142  cents
                          2015  |  2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020
                        Closing price  P/E of share
                      (thick NAVY BLUE  line)  (thin PEACH  line)
                                         Lo PE Lo  Lo PE Hi  Hi PE Lo  Hi PE Hi
                        PICKNPAY  P/E
                                           Est      Est     Est      Est    Best case
                   38.05                                              16000
                                                                            (high P/E
                                                                           high estimate)
                    34.7                                              13600
                   31.35                                              11200   P/E
              scale                                                          scale
                     28                                               8800
                                                                            Worst case
                   24.65                                              6400
                                                                             (low P/E
                    21.3                                              4000  low estimate)
                      |   2016  |   2017  |  2018  |   2019  |  2020  |
   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12