Page 39 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 39

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2                       NSX – NHL
       SECTOR: CnsStp—FoodBev&Tob—Beverages—Brewers  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 31 Mar 2020
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 827                     Landswyd Beleggings (Pty) Ltd.   29.20%
       DIRECTORS: van der Westhuizen H (Executive, Namb),  Nico Tromp Trust          10.53%
        Gerdes H B (ne, Namb), Grüttemeyer Mr P (ne, Namb),  Saffier Trust           10.53%
        Hanke G (alt, Namb), McLeod-Katjirua L (ne, Namb), Mungunda V J (ne),  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 755, Windhoek, Namibia, 755
        Pirmez R (ne, Blgm), Sabrie P (alt, Fr), Schimming-Chase A R (ne),  MORE INFO:
        Siemer SLM(ne, Neth), Thieme S (Chair, ne, Namb),  COMPANY SECRETARY: Veritas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd.
        Wenk M (MD, Namb), von Lieres W (FD, Namb)  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Veritas Board of Executors (Pty) Ltd.
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Jun 2020  SPONSOR: Simonis Storm Securities (Pty) Ltd.
         NBL Investment Holdings (Pty) Ltd.  59.37%  AUDITORS: SGA Chartered Accountants and Auditors (Namibia)
         Public Shareholders              40.54%  CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 206, Windhoek, Namibia  NHL  Ords no par value  1 000 000 000  53 443 500
       MORE INFO:
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Ohlthaver & List Centre (Pty) Ltd.  DISTRIBUTIONS [ZARc]
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Transfer Secretaries (Pty) Ltd.  Ords no par value  Ldt  Pay  Amt
       SPONSOR: PSG Wealth Management Namibia (Pty) Ltd.  Other No 8  14 Aug 20  24 Aug 20  12.00
       AUDITORS: Deloitte & Touche (Namibia)      Final No 7        14 Aug 20  24 Aug 20  12.00
       CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED  LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 706 shares p.w., R120 084.3(-% p.a.)
       NBS  Ords no par      299 000 000  206 529 000       40 Week MA         NICTUS H
       Ords no par           Ldt    Pay     Amt
       Interim No 48      9 Apr 21  14 May 21  56.00                                   191
       Final No 47        2 Oct 20  13 Nov 20  53.00
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 130 547 shares p.w., R431.1m(3.3% p.a.)
                 40 Week MA          NBL
                                           4899                                        85
                                           4369                                        50
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                           3840   FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (Amts in NAD'000)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17
                                                              Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final
                                                  Turnover    285 530  631 060  677 603  831 921  972 001
                                                  Op Inc        6 643  19 267  15 062  16 777  31 685
                                           2251   NetIntPd(Rcvd)  1 651  6 222  12 248  17 730  9 899
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  Att Inc       2 118  7 362  7 156  5 598  19 503
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       TotCompIncLoss  2 118  7 362  7 156  6 841  19 503
       (Amts in NAD'000)  Dec 20  Jun 20  Jun 19  Jun 18  Jun 17  Fixed Ass  388 984  389 915  385 773  383 570  376 161
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  Inv & Loans  13 245  13 262  416 561  488 051  399 492
       Turnover   1 385 659 2 645 832 3 097 583 2 687 174 2 708 978  Tot Curr Ass  834 972 1 133 079  897 124  835 144  869 419
       Op Inc      344 034  453 243  651 911  613 085  611 013  Ord SH Int  163 440  167 559  167 052  166 044  165 345
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  11 224  32 953  15 848  10 702  32 619  LT Liab  55 422  144 906  142 471  152 430  159 973
       Att Inc     170 733  261 327  931 119  397 686  318 428  Tot Curr Liab  1 476 540 1 697 508 1 415 363 1 414 884 1 326 041
       TotCompIncLoss  171 014  263 547  931 827  398 388  317 845  PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       Fixed Ass   949 921  985 323  995 967 1 018 719  988 241  HEPS-C (ZARc)  3.99  14.12  13.06  13.57  29.98
       Tot Curr Ass  1 393 768 1 082 732 1 221 135 1 250 092 1 026 779  DPS (ZARc)  12.00  12.00  12.00  12.00  18.00
       Ord SH Int  1 817 449 1 755 895 1 955 274 1 622 928 1 406 285  NAV PS (ZARc)  305.82  313.52  312.56  310.69  309.38
       LT Liab     798 151  712 983  390 373  502 638  601 390  3 Yr Beta  -  -  0.01  0.17  -
       Tot Curr Liab  496 439  439 007  759 872  585 613  487 498  Price High  160  160  180  200  -
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Price Low      160  160   180   50     -
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  81.40  125.60  450.70  194.60  157.80  Price Prd End  160  160  180  180  -
       DPS (ZARc)    56.00  106.00  221.05  285.67  84.00  RATIOS
       NAV PS (ZARc)  880.00  850.19  946.73  785.81  680.90  Ret on SH Fnd  2.59  4.39  4.28  3.37  11.80
       3 Yr Beta     0.36  0.30  - 0.01  - 0.20  0.03  Oper Pft Mgn  2.33  3.48  2.63  2.32  3.93
       Price High    3 500  4 840  4 900  4 501  3 525  D:E     0.34  0.81  1.01  0.80  0.87
       Price Low     2 590  3 499  4 498  3 330  2 550  Current Ratio  0.57  0.67  0.63  0.57  0.66
       Price Prd End  3 325  3 499  4 841  4 498  3 331  Div Cover  0.34  1.16  1.07  1.13  1.67
       Ret on SH Fnd  18.79  14.88  47.62  24.50  22.64  Omajowa Properties Ltd.
       Oper Pft Mgn  24.83  17.13  21.05  22.82  22.56  OMJ
       D:E           0.45  0.49  0.31  0.38  0.50  ISIN: NA000A2P9513  SHORT: OMAJOWA  CODE: OMJ
       Current Ratio  2.81  2.47  1.61  2.13  2.09  REG NO: 2019/0840  FOUNDED: 2020  LISTED: 2020
                                                  NATURE OF BUSINESS: The Property fund, Omajowa was formed and
       Div Cover     1.48  1.19  2.04  0.67  1.84
                                                   incorporated in Namibia, by the Founders for the purpose of assimilating
                                                   real estate portfolios, adding efficient property and facility management
                Nictus Holdings Ltd.               skills and experience, and offering these portfolios to the investment
                                                   market in Namibia. The Manager intends to introduce Omajowa to the
       ISIN: NA000A1J2SS6  SHORT: NICTUS H  CODE: NHL  public in order to facilitate exposure to property investments in Windhoek,
       REG NO: 1962/1735  FOUNDED: 1962  LISTED: 2012  Swakopmund, Walvisbay and Okahandja in Namibia. The board is
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: The Nictus Group of Companies was founded in  responsible for Omajowa’s objectives and its business and investment
        1945 and was listed on the JSE in 1969. The company’s main business  strategies as well as its overall supervision.
        operations were based in the former South West Africa. The main reason for  SECTOR:Fins—FinServcs—OpEnd&MiscelInvVeh—OpEnd&MiscelInvVeh
        the listing was to build equity to expand its operations into Southern Africa.  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 0
        During 2012 Nictus Holdings Ltd. (better known today as Nictus Namibia)  DIRECTORS: Iindji T (ind ne), Katjaerua B (ind ne), Reyneke PWJ(ne),
        was unbundled from the JSE listed company, and on 21 September 2012 was  SmitDE(ind ne), Hamukwaya F (Chair, ind ne), Fourie C (CEO),
        primarylistedontheNamibianStockExchange(NSX).NictusNamibiaisthe  Verhoef B C (CIO), Beukes A (CFO)
        holding company of a group of companies, which operates in three segments,  POSTAL ADDRESS: Private Bag 12012, Ausspannplatz, Windhoek,
        namely insurance and finance, retail and properties.  Namibia
       SECTOR: ConsDiscr—Retail—Retailers—DiversifiedRetailers  MORE INFO:
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 444                   COMPANY SECRETARY:
       DIRECTORS: HornTB(ind ne), Swart G (ld ind ne), TrompNC(ne),  SPONSOR: IJG Securities (Pty) Ltd.
        van Staden F R, TrompGRdeV (Chair, ne),   CAPITAL STRUCTURE   AUTHORISED     ISSUED
        TrompPJdeW (Group MD), Fourie W O (Group FD)
                                                  OMJ  Linked units     499 555 548      8
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