Page 38 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 38

NSX – MED                                Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
             Mediclinic International plc            Namibia Asset Management Ltd.
        MED                                        NAM
       ISIN: GB00B8HX8Z88                         ISIN: NA000AOJMZ44  SHORT: NAM  CODE: NAM
       SHORT: MEDICLINIC                          REG NO: 97/397   FOUNDED: 1997  LISTED: 1998
       CODE: MEP                                  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Namibia Asset Management (Pty) Ltd. was
       REG NO: 08338604                            founded in April 1996 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Namibian Harvest
       FOUNDED: 1983                               Investments Ltd. (NHI) to provide independent asset management
       LISTED: 1986                                services to institutional and retail investors. NHI was a broadly diversified
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: Mediclinic is a diversified international private  financial services group that was successfully listed on the NSX in July
        healthcare services group, founded in South Africa in 1983, with divisions  1998. After ten years in existence, the NHI board of directors decided to
        in Switzerland, Southern Africa (South Africa and Namibia), and the  refocus the business on asset management only. Thus all the non-core
        United Arab Emirates.                      businesses have been closed.
       SECTOR: HlthCare—HtlhCare—HlthCarePrvdrs—HlthCareFacilities  SECTOR: Fins—FinServcs—InvBnkng&BrokerServcs—AssMgrs&Custodians
       NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 33 140                NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES: 10
       DIRECTORS: Beale Dame I K (Chair, ind ne, UK),  DIRECTORS: Angula E (ind ne, Namb), Rhoda A (ne),
        van der Merwe Dr C A (CEO), Myburgh P J (CFO),  Rossouw B (ind ne, Namb), Walters S (ind ne, Namb), Young G (ind ne),
        Al Hashimi DrMY(ind ne, Emirati), DurandJJ(ne),  Pillay A (Chair, ne), Shaanika T (CEO, Namb)
        GrieveJA(snr ind ne, UK and Swiss), Harvey DrFAH(ind ne, UK),  MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Sep 2020
        MeintjesDP(ne), Oswald Dr A (ind ne, Swiss), PetersenTD(ind ne),  Coronation Investment Management (Pty) Ltd.  40.05%
        SingerTD(ind ne, UK), WeinerSR(ind ne, USA), UysPJ(alt)  Orban Street Trust  21.00%
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 07 May 2020  First National Bank (Namibia) Nominees  18.46%
         Remgro                           44.56%  POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 23329, Windhoek, Namibia
         Public Investment Corporation SOC Ltd.  9.66%  MORE INFO:
         Genesis Investment Management LLP  5.01%  COMPANY SECRETARY: Ulrich Eiseb
       POSTAL ADDRESS: PO Box 456, Stellenbosch, 7599  TRANSFER SECRETARY: Transfer Secretaries (Pty) Ltd.
       EMAIL:                 SPONSOR: IJG Securities (Pty) Ltd.
       WEBSITE:                AUDITORS: Ernst & Young
       TELEPHONE: 021-809-6500  FAX: 086-532-2557  CAPITAL STRUCTURE  AUTHORISED     ISSUED
       COMPANY SECRETARY: Link Company Matters Ltd.  NAM  Ords NAD1c ea  300 000 000  200 000 000
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.  DISTRIBUTIONS [NADc]
       SPONSORS: Morgan Stanley & Co International plc (UK), Rand Merchant  Ords NAD1c ea  Ldt  Pay  Amt
        Bank (A division of FirstRand Bank Ltd. (SA)), Simonis Storm Securities  Final No 19  27 Nov 20  11 Dec 20  7.00
        (Pty) Ltd., UBS Investment Bank (UK)      Final No 18       29 Nov 19  13 Dec 19  8.00
       AUDITORS: PwC LLP                          LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 38 759 shares p.w., R2.4m(1.0% p.a.)
                                                          FINSA      40 Week MA    NAM
       MEI  Ords 10p ea            -    737 243 810
       Ords 10p ea           Ldt    Pay     Amt                                        83
       Interim No 13      3 Dec 19  17 Dec 19  3.20
       Final No 12        11 Jun 19  29 Jul 19  4.70                                   73
       LIQUIDITY: Mar21 Ave 4m shares p.w., R278.5m(31.4% p.a.)
                 40 Week MA        MEDICLINIC
                                                     2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  FINANCIAL STATISTICS
                                                  (Amts in NAD'000)  Sep 20  Sep 19  Sep 18  Sep 17  Sep 16
                                                                Final  Final  Final  Final  Final
                                                  Turnover     99 722  83 331  75 789  69 583  72 404
                                           8538   Op Inc       22 087  22 288  20 455  20 481  21 907
                                                  NetIntPd(Rcvd)  - 1 044  - 1 790  - 1 265  - 1 572  - 1 565
                                           5400   Att Inc      15 227  16 577  14 763  14 948  15 762
          2016  |  2017  |  2018  |  2019  |  2020  |
                                                  TotCompIncLoss  15 393  16 691  14 766  15 143  15 986
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                       Fixed Ass     1 170  1 366  755  906  1 003
       (GBP million)  Sep 20  Mar 20  Mar 19  Mar 18  Mar 17  Tot Curr Ass  74 914  52 113  43 083  39 849  38 979
                   Interim  Final  Final  Final  Final  Ord SH Int  31 420  32 778  28 742  26 437  23 198
       Turnover      1 411  3 083  2 932  2 876  2 749  LT Liab  5 388  4 640  6 031  7 318  8 756
       Op Inc         64   - 184  81  - 288  362  Tot Curr Liab  50 240  23 222  16 382  13 927  14 749
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)  37   83    57   85    67   PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       Tax            -1    24    -7   -5    64   HEPS-C (ZARc)  9.79  10.75  9.57  9.69  10.22
       Minority Int    3    21    21   18    14   DPS (ZARc)    7.00  9.00  7.50  7.50  7.50
       Att Inc        15   - 320  - 151  - 492  229  NAV PS (ZARc)  15.71  16.39  14.37  17.14  15.04
       Hline Erngs-CO  18  198   211   203  229   3 Yr Beta     - 0.04  0.19  0.02  - 0.04  -
       Fixed Ass     4 328  4 358  3 524  3 590  3 703  Price High  65  64   72   85     -
       Tot Curr Ass  1 211  1 213  1 091  961  1 069  Price Low  55    55    64   72     -
       Ord SH Int    2 902  2 890  3 151  3 286  4 086  Price Prd End  62  55  64  72    -
       Minority Int   111  113   115   87    78   RATIOS
       LT Liab       3 102  3 182  2 576  2 445  2 668  Ret on SH Fnd  48.46  50.57  51.36  56.54  67.95
       Tot Curr Liab  767  769   584   525  590   Oper Pft Mgn  22.15  26.75  26.99  29.43  30.26
                                                  D:E           0.17  0.14  0.21  0.28  0.38
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       EPS (ZARc)    44.10  - 814.18  - 369.21 - 1 148.57  570.71  Current Ratio  1.49  2.24  2.63  2.86  2.64
                                                  Div Cover
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  52.20  504.64  515.09  475.27  570.71
       DPS (ZARc)      -  60.83  145.41  139.39  133.92
       NAV PS (ZARc)  8 561.45 8 655.36 8 372.73 7 581.02 9 277.81  Namibia Breweries Ltd.
       3 Yr Beta     0.72  1.05  1.19  0.98  1.38  NBS
       Price High    6 555  8 043  12 023  15 261  21 803  ISIN: NA0009114944  SHORT: NBL  CODE: NBS
       Price Low     5 315  5 157  5 199  8 810  11 384  REG NO: 2/1920  FOUNDED: 1920  LISTED: 1996
       Price Prd End  6 146  5 729  5 699  10 015  11 918  NATURE OF BUSINESS: Established in 1920, NBL is the leading beverage
                                                   manufacturing company in Namibia and one of the last few independently
       RATIOS                                      owned commercial-scale breweries in southern Africa. NBL's is one of only
       Ret on SH Fnd  1.19  - 9.96  - 3.98  - 14.05  5.84  a few large-scale commercial breweries in Africa that brew according to the
       D:E           1.10  1.11  0.53  0.50  0.40  German Reinheitsgebot (“Purity Law”) of 1516, which prescribes that
       Int Cover     1.73  n/a   n/a   n/a  5.40   malted barley, hops and water are the only ingredients used in brewing.
       Div Cover       -  - 13.38  - 2.20  - 8.17  3.92  Our commitment to the Reinheitsgebot guarantees quality beer brewed
                                                   from safe, natural ingredients.
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