Page 8 - Profile's Stock Exchange Handbook 2022 Issue 1
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About the Stock Exchange Handbook Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2022 – Issue 1
Our research team has close working relation- average value of shares traded per week, and (iii)
ships with most listed companies, and all companies the percentage of issued shares traded over the last
receive regular proofs from our database. Changes or year. (ii) is based on the latest share price available
omissions brought to our attention by listed before going to print. (iii) is annualised where full
companiesarecorrectedimmediately.Wewouldlike year data is not available.
to thank listed companies for their ongoing Market Cap: Market Capitalisation (calculated as
co-operation,andforcheckingandreturningproofs. total number of outstanding shares multiplied by
share price)
Definitions: Quick Notes NAV: Net Asset Value
This section provides definitions for common (P): Pro-forma financials
abbreviations used in the Stock Exchange Handbook. P/E: Ratio of Price to Earnings (12-month rolling
For complete definitions of all line data items in HEPS-C)
the Stock Exchange Handbook, please visit PEG: Price/Earnings Growth ratio
Sharepaedia/QuickRef.aspx. (rst): Restated result
Scr/100: The number of shares a shareholder can
Definitions in alphabetical order elect to receive per one hundred ordinary share
Beta: Volatility in relation to the FTSE/JSE All held instead of a cash dividend.
Share index Tr 5yr av grwth %: Trailing five year average
Calendar: Unconfirmed, ProfileData estimate; growth (ie, average of five years to that point)
Estimate, provisional date provided by company; TRI: Total Return Index (ie, price performance
Confirmed, firm date provided by company includingreinvestmentofdividends/distributions)
cps: cents per share Volatility: Standard deviation of month-on-month
D:E: Debt:Equity Ratio percentage price change over 36 months
Directors: ne: non-executive; alt:alternatedirector; ZAR: South African rands
ind ne: independent non-executive director ZARc: South African cents
DPLU: Gross Distribution per Linked Unit –used Note: All financial statements are presented in
for loan stockcompanies wheresharesarelinked to accordance with International Financial Reporting
a debt instrument (ie, the distribution is part Standards (IFRS) unless otherwise stated.
dividend, part interest. See DPS)
DPS: Gross Dividends per Share (or Distributions
per Share in some cases)
EPLU: Earnings per Linked Unit – used for loan
stock companies where shares are linked to a debt
instrument (see EPS)
HEPLU-C: Headline Earnings per Linked Unit
from continued operations – used for loan stock
companies where shares are linked to a debt
instrument (see HEPS-C)
HEPS-C: Headline Earnings per Share from
excluding the effects of exceptional items and
discontinued operations.
Hline Erngs-CO: Headline earnings from continuing
Ldt: Last day to trade (to qualify for dividends or
other corporate action)
Ldr: Last day to register (to qualify for dividends or
other corporate action)
Liquidity: The three figures shown are (i) the
average number of shares traded per week, (ii) the