Page 23 - Profile's Stock Exchange Handbook - 2021 Issue 3
P. 23

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 3  Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) on the JSE

       Listed ETFs on the JSE (by Market Cap at 31 March 2021)
       Product                       Product Type  Product Structure   Index Tracked  Market
                                                                                     Cap (Rm)
       1NVEST SA Property ETF        Broad market access  Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Africa SA  525
                                                                       Listed Property Index
       Ashburton MidCap ETF          Broad market access  Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE MidCap Index  492
       CoreShares S&P Global Property ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P Global Property 40  453
       Satrix SA Bond Portfolio ETF  Broad market access  Market cap-weighted  S&P South Africa  407
                                                                       Sovereign Bond 1+Year
       Satrix SWIX TOP 40 ETF        Broad market access  Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE SWIX Top 40  377
       1NVEST S&P 500 Info Tech Index Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P 500 Info Tech Index  358
       Sygnia Itrix Top 40 ETF       Broad market access  Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Top 40 index  349
       Ashburton Inflation ETF       “Style” index  Market cap-weighted  Government Inflation  341
                                                                       Linked Bond Index
       Newfunds S&P Namibia Bond ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  S&P Namibia Sovereign  330
                                                                       Bond 1 + Year Top 10
       NewFunds Equity Momentum ETF  Broad market access  Market cap-weighted  Absa Wits  329
                                                                       SA-Momentum Index
       CoreShares Preftrax           Broad market access  Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE Preference  297
                                                                       Share Index (J251)
       Satrix ILBI ETF               “Style” index  Market cap-weighted  S&P SA Sovereign  232
                                                                       Inflation-linked Bond 1+
       CoreShares SA Property Income ETF  “Style” index  Equally weighted  SA Property Income  229
       NewFunds TRACI 3 Month ETF    Sectoral access  Term weighted    TRACI Index     225
       Satrix Property ETF           Broad market access  Market cap-weighted  S&P SA Composite  204
                                                                       Property Capped Index
       NewFunds Value Equity ETF     “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  Absa Wits  170
                                                 factors               Risk-Controlled SA Value
       Sygnia Itrix SWIX 40 ETF      Broad market access  Market cap-weighted  FTSE/JSE SWIX 40 index  169
       CoreShares SA Dividend Aristocrats ETF  “Style” index  Equally weighted  S&P South Africa  143
                                                                       Dividend Aristocrats
       1NVEST MSCI World Index Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  MSCI World Index  141
       Ashburton World Government Bond ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  Citi World Government  129
                                                                       Bond Index
       Satrix MSCI EM ESG ETF        “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  MSCI EM ESG Enhanced  122
                                                 factors               Focus Index
       1NVEST Global REIT Index Feeder ETF  Foreign index  Market cap-weighted  FTSE EPRA/NAREIT  114
                                                                       Global REIT Index
       NewFunds Low Volatility Equity ETF  “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  Absa Wits  112
                                                 factors               Risk-Controlled SA Low
                                                                       Volatility Index
       CoreShares Scientific Beta Multi Factor ETF  “Style” index  Equally weighted  Scientific Beta CS South  107
                                                                       Africa 6FEW Index
       NewFunds ILBI ETF             Sectoral access  Market cap-weighted  ILBI index  101
       Satrix MSCI World ESG ETF     “Style” index  Enhanced fundamental accounting  MSCI World ESG  87
                                                 factors               Enhanced Focus NET

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