Page 54 - 2021 Issue 2
P. 54

ZARX – ZXTIP                             Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2021 – Issue 2
       Att Inc        281  303   281   310  166   PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)
       TotCompIncLoss  313  336  283   310  168   HEPS-C (ZARc)         - 64.00      - 174.00
       Fixed Ass     2 273  1 289  715  567  471  NAV PS (ZARc)         - 33.05       - 0.73
       Inv & Loans    114    -   227  1 345  1 259  Price High           110           110
       Tot Curr Ass  5 750  4 989  3 842  4 153  3 484  Price Low        100           100
       Ord SH Int    2 802  2 560  2 336  2 159  1 970  Price Prd End    105           110
       Minority Int   337  343    27   20    19   RATIOS
       LT Liab        476  859  1 168  1 088  1 002  Ret on SH Fnd      195.57      11 025.88
       Tot Curr Liab  6 061  4 579  2 529  2 863  2 270  D:E            - 0.34        - 0.47
       PER SHARE STATISTICS (cents per share)     Current Ratio          0.05          0.95
       HEPS-C (ZARc)  152.70  144.20  177.50  195.50  108.40
       DPS (ZARc)    32.00  60.00  60.00  54.00  45.00
       NAV PS (ZARc)  1 629.00 1 506.10 1 405.00 1 303.90 1 166.50
       3 Yr Beta     0.04  0.16   -     -     -
       Price High    1 250  1 310  1 105  1 300  1 200
       Price Low      900  1 050  650  1 030  1 040
       Price Prd End  1 000  1 100  1 100  1 100  1 040
       Ret on SH Fnd  19.94  11.61  11.98  14.27  3.30
       Oper Pft Mgn  12.60  11.47  17.57  6.92  4.20
       D:E           1.37  1.55  1.29  1.43  1.32
       Current Ratio  0.95  1.09  1.52  1.45  1.50
       Div Cover     5.13  2.97  2.82  3.43  2.20
       Transformational Investment Portfolio
                      One Ltd.
       REG NO: 2017/458073/06  FOUNDED: 2017  LISTED: 2019
       NATURE OF BUSINESS: TIPOne is an empowerment investment holding
        company that listed on the ZAR X securities exchange in Q4 2019.
        TIPOne aims to build a diversified portfolio of listed shares acquired at a
        discount to market, via those firms associated BEE schemes or directly
        from the listed companies themselves.
        Allows investors in BEE schemes of listed companies to swap their
        holdings in those scheme for shares in TIPOne.
        TIPOne is a listed share that will always a minimum of 51% black owned
        and controlled as per the BEE Codes Of Good Practice, by combining our
        unique trading rules with ZARX’s pre-trade compliance system, but still
        allowing for Institutional and other investors to provide liquidity by
        accessing the share.
        BEE schemes own over R400 billion of listed equity in South Africa
       SECTOR: Fins—FinServcs—InvBnkng&BrokerServcs—Investment Services
       DIRECTORS: Mahura K (ind ne), Ngada N (ind ne), Ntoi H (ld ind ne),
        Blount G (CEO), Ditodi L (FD)
       MAJOR ORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS as at 30 Jun 2020
         Ditodi Trust                     45.70%
         Bestwealth Ltd.                  12.50%
         Geoffrey Blount                  10.80%          What's better than the
       POSTAL ADDRESS: Suite 807, 8th Floor, 16 Baker Street, Rosebank,
        Johannesburg, 2196
       MORE INFO:    Stock Exchange Handbook?
       COMPANY SECRETARY: CIS Company Secretaries (Pty) Ltd.
       TRANSFER SECRETARY: Computershare Investor Services (Pty) Ltd.
       SPONSOR: Questco (Pty) Ltd.
       AUDITORS: SizweNtsalubaGobodo Grant Thornton Inc.
       ZXTIP  Ords no par  10 000 000 000  2 323 714
       LIQUIDITY: Apr21 Ave 121 shares p.w., R133.0(0.3% p.a.)
                 40 Week MA        ZXTIP ONE              ebook…
                                                              Profile's Stock
                                                          Exchange Handbook
                                                             is now available
           2018  |    2019  |     2020  |
       FINANCIAL STATISTICS                                 in ebook format.
       (Amts in ZAR'000)    Dec 20         Jun 20
                            Interim        Final
       Op Inc                - 749         - 2 347     visit
       NetIntPd(Rcvd)          2             - 4
       Att Inc               - 751         - 2 343        and use your access code
       TotCompIncLoss        - 751         - 2 343
       Tot Curr Ass            44           162         found on page 1 of this book.
       Ord SH Int            - 768          - 17
       LT Liab                 8              8
       Tot Curr Liab          804           171
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59