Page 5 - Stock Exchange Handbook 2020 - Issue 3
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Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2020 – Issue 3  About the Stock Exchange Handbook

       About the Stock Exchange Handbook

        About the Stock Exchange Handbook
       What’s in the Stock                            Using the same example, the full text
                                                   description of the classification is:
       Exchange Handbook
                                                   Basic Materials – Basic Resources –
          The  Stock  Exchange  Handbook  contains  Mining – Platinum & Precious Metals
       information on all JSE listed companies, sectors,  The associated abbreviated version is:
       stockbroking  firms  and  sponsors.  Listed  Basic Materials – Basic Resrcs –
       companies are sorted alphabetically by full name.
                                                   Mining – Plat&Prcs Metals
          At least a full column (half page) is provided for
       each listed company, allowing us to present  Where to find more information
       important quick-reference information such as the
       JSE code, the nature of business, JSE sector,  For readerswith accessto theInternet, Profile’s
       directors,addressdetails,capitalstructure,liquidity  website can be used as an
       stats, summarised financials for the last five years,  adjunct to the Stock Exchange Handbook.
       key ratios, and important per-share statistics. is updated daily and provides
          All listed companies are invited to provide  additional resources for investors and sharehold-
       additional information for the convenience of  ers, enabling users to keep abreast of the latest
       investors and shareholders by using the full page  results and news from listed companies.
       format and, where appropriate, additional columns.
       The full page format includes detailed activities,  Consensus Earnings Forecasts
       recent announcements, contribution by activity  Listed companies can use the Stock Exchange
       (where available), and more detailed financial  Handbook to make analysts’ forecasts available to a
                                                  wider audience. For participating companies,
                                                  consensus earnings’ forecasts appear in an
        Sector Descriptions                       additional column. For a complete explanation of
           Since January 2006 JSE securities have been  consensusearningsforecastsandtheinformation in
        classified according to the Industry Classifica-  this book, please visit
        tion Benchmark (ICB) adopted by both Dow  sharepedia/consensus.htm.
        Jones and FTSE. The ICB is a four-tier system  The majority of consensus forecasts for the
        which allows companies to be grouped in Indus-  Stock Exchange Handbook are supplied by leading
        tries, Super-sectors, Sectors and Sub-sectors.  stockbrokers in South Africa. The following stock-
        All securities are assigned to sub-sectors and  broking firms (which research JSE shares) are
        therefore  logically  belong  to  sectors,  currently contributors of forecasts:
        super-sectors and industries. As an example,
        Anglo Platinum is in the Platinum & Precious    Independent Securities (Pty) Ltd.
        Metals sub-sector [Plat], which belongs to the    Investec Securities Ltd.
        Mining sector [Mng], which is in the Basic    J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Ltd.
        Resources super-sector [Res], which is in the    Nedbank Capital (Pty) Ltd.
        Basic Materials industry [Mats]. Note that in    SBG Securities (Pty) Ltd.
        some cases sectors and sub-sectors have the
        same name.                                   Consensus forecasts are available to subscrib-
                                                  ers for all listed companies covered by the above
                                                  firms at
           Company entries showthefull four-tier clas-  consensus.htm.
        sification for each company but use sector ab-
        breviations. To decipher these abbreviations  Analysis Data
        please consult the Sector Table, which starts on  Anumber ofleadingcompaniesmakeadditional
        page 59.
                                                  information available to investors in the form of the
           The Sector Table has sub-sector headings  Analysis Data column.  This column provides
        which show the full classification descriptions.  valuation data, additional ratios and per-share
        The Total/Avg lines below each sector,    statistics, historical share price performance (total
        however, use the same abbreviations used in the  return data), risk/return profiles and several other
        company pages, making it possible to decipher  graphs.
        the full text descriptions where the abbrevia-
        tions are not intuitive.

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