Page 9 - SHB 2020 Issue 1
P. 9

Profile’s Stock Exchange Handbook: 2020 – Issue 1  About the Stock Exchange Handbook

       HEPS-C:  Headline Earnings per Share from  (P): Pro-forma financials
       continued operations – Earnings (profits) per share   P/E: Ratio of Price to Earnings (12-month rolling
       excluding the effects of exceptional items and  HEPS-C)
       discontinued operations.
                                                  PEG: Price/Earnings Growth ratio
       Hline Erngs-CO: Headline earnings from continuing  (rst): Restated result
                                                  Scr/100: The number of shares a shareholder can
       Ldt: Last day to trade (to qualify for dividends or
       other corporate action)                    elect to receive per  one hundred ordinary share
                                                  held instead of a cash dividend.
       Ldr: Last day to register (to qualify for dividends or
       other corporate action)                    Tr 5yr  av grwth  %:  Trailing  five year average
                                                  growth (ie, average of five years to that point)
       Liquidity:  The three figures shown  are (i) the
       average number of shares traded per week, (ii) the  TRI:  Total Return Index (ie, price performance
       average value of shares traded per week, and (iii)  including reinvestment of dividends/distributions)
       the percentage of issued shares traded over the last  Volatility: Standard deviation of month-on-month
       year. (ii) is based on the latest share price available  percentage price change over 36 months
       before going to print.  (iii) is annualised where full  ZAR: South African rands
       year data is not available.
                                                  ZARc: South African cents
       Market Cap: Market Capitalisation (calculated as  Note:  All financial statements are presented in
       total number of outstanding shares multiplied by  accordance with International Financial Reporting
       share price)
                                                  Standards (IFRS) unless otherwise stated.
       NAV: Net Asset Value
       For more information on the graphs below and the other charts available for selected companies, please
                  Comparative benchmark: JSE sector index  Moving average (MA)  Share’s short name
                         LIGHT BLUE line     PEACH line   NAVY BLUE line

                              SCOM              40 Week MA       JASCO
                                                                       190  price
                                                                       142  cents
                       2012  |  2013  |  2014  |  2015  |  2016  |  2017
                     Closing price  P/E of share
                  (thick NAVY BLUE line)  (thin PEACH line)
                                        Lo PE Lo   Lo PE Hi   Hi PE Lo   Hi PE Hi
                    PICKNPAY    P/E
                                          Est       Est       Est       Est     Best case
               38.05                                                     16000
                                                                                (high P/E
                                                                               high estimate)
                34.7                                                     13600
          Price  31.35                                                   11200    P/E
          scale                                                                  scale
                 28                                                      8800
                                                                                Worst case
               24.65                                                     6400
                                                                                (low P/E
                21.3                                                     4000  low estimate)
                   |   2015   |   2016   |   2017  |    2018  |   2019   |
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14