Unit Trusts Data Products

PlexCrown™ Fund Ratings

The easy-to-use PlexCrown rating system enables investors to know at a glance how a fund has fared over time compared to the other funds in its subcategory on a risk-adjusted return basis incorporating the fund manager's skill.

It addresses the need for a system whereby the different quantitative measures used in calculating relative performances are all encompassed in one simple number and therefore introduced the PlexCrown Fund Ratings for unit trusts in South Africa.

Updated quarterly, the PlexCrown ratings offer investors, financial advisors/planners, portfolio managers and financial journalists, up-to-date information on the risk-adjusted performance of actively-managed rand-denominated and offshore funds approved by the FSCA.

Other Unit Trust Data Products

Profile's unit trust database is, arguably, the best resource for South African domestic unit trusts and hedge funds. It also covers the FSCA-registered offshore (non-ZAR denominated) funds. This database support a variety of products and services.