Page 3 - IR Value Pack Brochure – 2025
P. 3
40 000
unique visitors 1. Investor RelaƟons data feeds for your website
per month (graph, share price and stats)
- Keep Shareholders informed of your share price performance.
- Transparency increases Investor trust.
120 000 2. Banner on ShareData Online, NewsleƩer and Alert service emails
targeted - Highlight your good news stories and drive traffic to your website.
Stock Market - Create brand awareness, generate leads and retarget an audience.
newsleƩ ers
distributed 3. Hyperlinked company Logo on ShareData Online, Moneyweb,
per month stockbroking sites, Profile App and in the Stock Exchange ebook
- A brand logo is exclamatory, it acts as a symbol of success and
commitment to the customer.
- Reinforce your brand and dis nguish yourself from your
20 000
compe tors.
Alert service
distributed 4. Direct Access BuƩons from ShareData Online, Moneyweb and 8
per investor portals
month - Drive investor traffic directly to relevant pages on your website.
5. Talk to Us BuƩ on
- Promotes immediate engagement with your IR personnel.
6. Newsroom BuƩ on
16.8 million
users - Instant access to your company press releases.
per year
7. Social Media Exposure – X (formerly TwiƩ er)
- Audience engagement and increased traffic to your website.
- Augments exposure of significant corporate events.
Stock Exchange 8. Print Media exposure – ParƟ cipaƟon in Stock Exchange Handbook
Handbook (ebook)
and ebook
over 80 000 - Print media is trustworthy.
reads on - Words on paper are memorable.
average every
- Powerful way to reach, engage and build target audience trust.
- The most widely used financial handbook and ebook.