Profile's Stock Exchange Handbook
Profile's Stock Exchange Handbook

Profile's Stock Exchange Handbook is the definitive guide to the companies listed on the JSE, Namibian, Cape Town, A2X and I-Ex Stock Exchanges.

Available both as an ebook and as an attractive large-format volume (approximately 250 pages), the handbook is an indispensable reference for investors and financial professionals.

The Stock Exchange Handbook is published four times a year in February, May, August and November.


Latest issue: 2024 - Issue 2
Next issue: 2024 - Issue 3
Pages: 216
Price: R249.00 in RSA

Contents of each issue include:

  • Abbreviations and definitions
  • JSE dealing costs
  • Beta values for major market cap shares
  • Charts round-up of major indices and markets
  • Complete list of JSE Approved Stockbrokers
  • Complete list of JSE Approved Sponsors
  • Contact details for transfer secretaries

All companies listed on the JSE are covered in detail, and brief notes are retained for companies that have delisted, merged, or changed name in the last two years (also now summarised in table format, for quick and easy reference). Companies are organised alphabetically by name. Information provided for each company includes, where available:

  • Nature of business
  • Sector
  • Number of employees
  • Directors
  • Major shareholders
  • Controlling shareholder(s)
  • Important subsidiary and associate companies
  • Full contact details (addresses, telephone, fax)
  • Contribution by activity (where applicable)
  • Capital structure
  • Dividend distributions
  • Liquidity figures

Comparative summarised income statements and balance sheets for up to five years are provided for every company. Five different financial models are used for industrial, mining, insurance, banking, and property companies. Per share statistics include EPS, DPS and NAV. Standardised ratios include Return on Shareholders' Funds, Operating Profit Margin, Debt-Equity Ratio, Interest Cover, and Dividend Cover. A closing price graph (five years where available) and relative strength chart is included for each listed company. The book is fully indexed, enabling the user to located companies by long name or short name.

For more information, please feel free to call us on 011-728-5510 or email us at

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