IMP,IMCB22 : Results of annual general meeting: 
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration number 1957/001979/06)
JSE Share code: IMP
ISIN: ZAE000083648
JSE alpha code: IMPCB
("Implats" or the "Company")


Implats shareholders are advised that the voting results for the annual general meeting ("AGM") of Implats
held at the registered offices of the Company on Tuesday, 22 October 2019, were as follows:

 Resolution                               Number of    Percentage       For**    Against**   Abstained***
                                           ordinary   of ordinary          %           %               %
                                             shares     shares in
                                              voted        issue*
 Ordinary resolution number 1:          632 947 193        79.21       97.07         2.93           0.08
 Appointment of external auditors
 Ordinary resolution number 2:
 Re-election of directors
 2.1 PW Davey                           632 942 846        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
 2.2 BT Koshane                         632 942 449        79.21       97.96         2.04           0.08
 2.3 AS Macfarlane                      632 942 850        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
 2.4 B Ngonyama                         632 942 453        79.21       90.75         9.25           0.08
 2.5 MSV Gantsho                        629 715 105        78.81       91.46         8.54           0.49
 Ordinary resolution number 3:
 Appointment of audit committee
 3.1 D Earp                             632 946 736        79.21      100.00         0.00           0.08
 3.2 PW Davey                           632 946 889        79.21       99.97         0.03           0.08
 3.3 PE Speckmann                       632 946 889        79.21      100.00         0.00           0.08
 Ordinary resolution number 4:          632 939 428        79.21       89.36        10.64           0.09
 Endorsement of the Company's
 Remuneration Policy
 Ordinary resolution number 5:          632 939 424        79.21       90.60         9.40           0.09
 Endorsement of the Company's
 remuneration implementation report
 Special resolution number 1:
 Approval of non-executive director's
 1.1 Remuneration of the chairperson    632 941 418        79.21       99.54         0.46           0.08
     of the Board
 1.2 Remuneration of the Lead           632 941 418        79.21       99.53         0.47           0.08
     Independent Director
 1.3 Remuneration of non-executive      632 941 575        79.21       98.38         1.62           0.08
 1.4 Remuneration of Audit              632 941 422        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
     committee Chairperson
 1.5 Remuneration of Audit              632 941 576        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
     committee member
 1.6 Remuneration of Social,            632 941 080        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
     transformation and
     remuneration committee
 1.7 Remuneration of Social,            632 941 080        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
     transformation and
     remuneration committee
 1.8 Remuneration of Nominations,       632 941 580        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
     governance and ethics
     committee member
 1.9 Remuneration of Health, safety,    632 941 576        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
     environment and risk committee
 1.10 Remuneration of Health, safety,   632 941 576        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
      environment and risk committee
 1.11 Remuneration of Capital           632 941 575        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
      allocation and investment
      committee Chairperson
 1.12 Remuneration of Capital           632 941 418        79.21       99.99         0.01           0.08
      allocation and investment
      committee member
 1.13 Remuneration for ad hoc           632 941 418        79.21       99.94         0.06           0.08
 Special resolution number 2:           630 799 649        78.95       99.36         0.64           0.35
 Approval of a 6% structural adjustment
 Special resolution number 3:           632 946 834        79.21       99.95         0.05           0.08
 Acquisition of Company's shares by
 Company or subsidiary

*       Based on 799 034 147 ordinary shares in issue at the date of the AGM.
**      In relation to the total number of shares voted at the AGM.
***     In relation to the total number of shares in issue at the date of the AGM.

Based on the above voting results, all resolutions were passed by the requisite majority of Implats
shareholders present in person or represented by proxy at the AGM.

Johan Theron
E-mail :
T: +27 (0) 11 731 9013/43
M: +27 (0) 82 809 0166

Emma Townshend
E-mail :
T : +27 (0) 21 794 8345
M : +27 (0) 82 415 3770

Alice Lourens
E-mail :
T: +27 (0) 11 731 9033/43
M: +27 (0) 82 498 3608

22 October 2019

Equity and Debt Sponsor to Implats
Nedbank Corporate and Investment Banking

Date: 22/10/2019 04:00:00
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