GFI 201805230024A
Results of AGM Meeting of Gold Felds Limited held on 22 May 2018 and changes to the directors.
Gold Fields Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration Number 1968/004880/06)
ISIN: ZAE000018123
"Gold Fields" or “the Company”)
Shareholders are advised that at the Annual General Meeting of Gold Fields
Limited held on Tuesday 22 May 2018, the ordinary and special resolutions,
as well as advisory endorsement of the company’s remuneration policy, as
set out in the notice of the annual general meeting dispatched to
shareholders on 23 March 2018 were passed, on a poll, by the requisite
Details of the results of the voting are as follows:
Total issued share capital: 821,532,707
Total number of shares present/
represented including proxies at the meeting: 701 334 127
being 85% of the total votable shares
Ordinary Number of Shares Shares Shares
resolutions shares voted for: voted abstained
voted against: :
1.Re-appointment 639 977 164 624 095 818 15 881 346 61 356 963
of auditors
% of total % of shares % of % of
issued voted shares total
shares voted issued
100% 97,52% 2,48% 7,47%
699 910 128 698 883 101 1 027 027 1 423 999
% of total % of shares % of % of
2.1 Re-election
issued voted shares total
of a director:
shares voted issued
CA Carolus
100% 99.85% 0,15% 0,17%
699 907 104 698 978 585 928 519 1 427 023
2.2 Re-election % of total % of total % of total % of
of a director: issued issued issued total
RP Menell shares shares shares issued
85.20% 99.87% 0.13% 0.17%
699 903 082 698 870 286 1 032 796 1 431 045
of total %99.85 of %0.15 of % 0.17 of
2.3 Re-election
issued total total total
of a director:
shares issued issued issued
SP Reid
shares shares shares
100% 99.93% 0.07% 0.11%
699 931 569 699 576 429 355 140 1 402 558
3.1. Re-election
of Audit % of total % of shares % of % of
Committee issued voted shares total
member: YGH shares voted issued
Suleman shares
100% 99.95% 0.05% 0.17%
3.2. Re-election 699 929 121 699 594 473 334 648 1 405 006
of a member of
the Audit % of total % of shares % of % of
Committee: A issued voted shares total
Andani shares voted issued
100% 99.95% 0.05% 0.17%
699 908 172 699 576 233 340 939 1 425 955
3.3 Re-election
% of total % of total % of total % of
of a member of
issued issued issued total
the Audit
shares shares shares issued
Committee: PJ
100% 99.95% 0.05% 0.17%
3.4 Re-election 699 913 365 697 853 211 2 060 154 1 420 762
of a member of % of total % of total % of total % of
the Audit issued issued issued total
Committee: RP shares shares shares issued
Menell shares
100% 99.71% 0.29% 0.17%
% of total % of total % of total % of
issued issued issued total
shares shares shares issued
100% 99.30% 0.70% 0.11%
4. Approval for 699 777 267 621 643 289 78 133 978 1 556 860
the issue of
authorised but % of total % of shares % of % of
unissued issued voted shares total
ordinary shares shares voted issued
100% 88.83% 11.17% 0.19%
Special Number of Shares Shares Shares
resolutions shares voted voted abstained:
voted for: against:
699 737 922 622 442 77 295 584 1 596 205
1.Approval for
the issuing of
% of total % of total % of total % of total
issued issued issued issued
securities for
shares shares shares shares
100% 88.95% 11.05% 0.19%
Advisory 692 241 930 664 950 888 27 291 042 9 092 197
endorsement of
the remuneration % of total % of shares % of % of
policy issued voted shares shares
shares voted voted
100% 96.06% 3.94% 1.11%
2. Approval for 699 611 130 686 586 098 13 025 032 1 722 997
the remuneration
of non-executive % of total % of shares % of % of total
directors issued voted shares issued
shares voted shares
100% 98.14% 1.86% 0.21%
3. Approval for 699 618 163 691 994 664 7 623 499 1 715 964
the Company to
grant inter- % of total % of shares % of % of total
group financial issued voted shares issued
assistance in shares voted shares
terms of section 100% 98.91% 1.09% 0.21%
44 and 45 of the
699 827 936 699 364 508 463 428 1 506 191
4. Acquisition
% of total % of shares % of % of
of the Company’s
issued voted shares shares
own shares
shares voted voted
100% 99.93%% 0.07%% 0.18%
699 382 557 656 869 433 42 513 124 1 951 570
5.Approval of
the Amendment of
% of total % of shares % of % of
the Gold Fields
issued voted shares shares
Limited 2012
shares voted voted
Share Plan
100% 93.92% 6.08% 0.24%
Over 85% of votable shares were represented at the AGM.
The special resolutions will be filed with the Companies and Intellectual
Property Commission in accordance with the requirements of the Companies
Act, No 71 of 2008.
The Board has taken a decision to put Gold Fields Group’s audit work from
the 2018 financial year onwards out for tender.
In terms of paragraph 3.59 of the JSE Limited’s Listings Requirements,
shareholders are advised that Don Ncube, who is the current Chair of the
Social, Ethics and Transformation Committee, has retired as a non-
executive director of the Gold Fields Board of Directors (“the Board”),
with effect from this AGM. The Board would like to thank Mr Ncube for his
valuable contribution to the Company over the past 15 years and wish him
everything of the best in his future endeavours.
Dr Carmen Letton will serve as the new Chair of the Social, Ethics and
Transformation Committee with effect from this AGM.
23 May 2018
J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Ltd
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