GFI 201605190027A
Results of Annual General Meeting of Gold Fields Limited held on 18 May 2016
Gold Fields Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration Number 1968/004880/06)
ISIN: ZAE000018123
"Gold Fields" or “the Company”)
Shareholders are advised that at the Annual General Meeting of Gold Fields
Limited held on Wednesday 18 May 2016, the ordinary and special
resolutions, as well as advisory endorsement of the company’s remuneration
policy, as set out in the notice of the annual general meeting dispatched
to shareholders on 15 April 2016 were passed, on a poll, by the requisite
Details of the results of the voting are as follows:
Total issued share capital: 821,532,707
Total number of shares present/
represented including proxies at the meeting: 697,466,342
being 85% of the total votable shares
Ordinary Number of Shares Shares Shares
resolutions shares voted for: voted abstained:
voted against:
1.Re- 696,778,208 696,444,849 333,359 688,134
appointment of
auditors % of total % of shares % of % of total
issued voted shares issued
shares voted shares
100% 99.95% 0.04% 0.08%
2.1 Re-election 696,732,673 682,857,441 13,875,232 733,669
of a director:
SP Reid % of total % of shares % of % of total
issued voted shares issued
shares voted shares
100% 98.00% 1.99% 0.08%
2.2. Re- 696,745,466 682,597,302 14,148,164 720,876
election of a
director: GM % of total % of shares % of % of total
Wilson shares voted shares issued
voted shares
100% 97.96% 2.03% 0.08%
2.3. Re- 696,743,904 682,613,827 14,130,077 722,438
election of a
director: DN % of total % of shares % of % of total
Murray shares voted shares issued
voted shares
100% 97.97% 2.02% 0.08%
2.4. Re- 696,738,974 673,929,620 22,809,354 727,368
election of a
director: DMJ % of total % of shares % of % of total
Ncube issued voted shares issued
shares voted shares
100% 96.72% 3.27% 0.08%
2.5. Re- 696,743,721 681,782,753 14,960,968 722,621
election of a
director: AR % of total % of shares % of % of total
Hill issued voted shares issued
shares voted shares
100% 97,85% 2.14% 0,08%
3.1. Re- 696,721,937 682,613,661 14,108,276 744,405
election of
Audit Committee % of total % of shares % of % of total
member: GM issued voted shares issued
Wilson shares voted shares
100% 97.97% 2.02% 0,09%
696,718,792 675,424,117 21,294,675 747,550
3.2. Re-
election of
% of total % of shares % of % of total
Audit Committee
issued voted shares issued
member: RP
shares voted shares
100% 96.94% 3.05% 0.09%
3.3. Re- 696,716,020 682,496,716 14,219,304 750,322
election of a
member of the % of total % of shares % of % of total
Audit issued voted shares issued
Committee: DMJ shares voted shares
Ncube 100% 97.95% 2.04% 0.09%
4. Approval for 692,614,509 619,929,908 72,684,601 4,851,833
the issue of
authorised but % of total % of shares % of % of total
unissued issued voted shares issued
ordinary shares shares voted shares
100% 89.50% 10.49% 0.59%
Special Number of Shares Shares Shares
resolutions shares voted for: voted abstained:
voted against:
1. Approval 692,669,507 618,745,792 73,923,715 4,796,835
for the
issuing of % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
equity issued voted voted issued
securities for shares shares
cash 100% 89.32% 10.67% 0.58%
Advisory 686,759,409 584,285,581 102,473,828 10,706,933
endorsement of
the % of total % of shares % of shares % of
remuneration issued voted voted shares
policy shares voted
100% 85.07% 14.92% 1.30%
2. Approval 696,620,173 682,308,630 14,311,543 846,169
for the
remuneration % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
of non- issued voted voted issued
executive shares shares
directors 100% 97.94% 2.05% 0.10%
3. Approval 692,495,580 688,953,551 3,542,029 4,970,762
for the
Company to % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
grant inter- issued voted voted issued
group shares shares
financial 100% 99.48% 0.51% 0.60%
assistance in
terms of
section 44 and
45 of the Act
692,633,012 608,085,677 84,547,335 4,833,330
4. Acquisition
of the % of total % of shares % of shares % of
Company’s own issued voted voted shares
shares shares voted
100% 87.79% 12.20% 0.58%
5.Approval of 692,097,479 600,162,244 91,935,235 5,368,863
the amendment
of the Gold % of total % of shares % of shares % of
Fields Limited issued voted voted shares
2012 Share shares voted
Plan 100% 86.71% 13.28% 0.65%
6.Financial 689,632,989 675,073,113 14,559,876 7,833,353
assistance to
Directors and % of total % of shares % of shares % of
Prescribed issued voted voted shares
Officers and shares voted
Other Persons 100% 97.88% 2.11% 0.95%
who may
participate in
the Share Plan
Over 84.90% of votable shares were represented at the AGM.
The special resolutions will be filed with the Companies and Intellectual
Property Commission in accordance with the requirements of the Companies
Act, No 71 of 2008.
19 May 2016
J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Ltd
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