IMP IMPCB 201510060023A
Results of general meeting
Impala Platinum Holdings Limited
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
(Registration No. 1957/001979/06)
ISIN: ZAE000083648
JSE Share Code: IMP
LSE Share Code: IPLA
JSE Convertible Bond ISIN: ZAE000175873
Convertible Bond Code: IMPCB
("Implats" or the "Company")
Implats shareholders are referred to the announcement released on the Stock Exchange News Service on 3
September 2015 and to the circular issued to Implats shareholders on 4 September 2015, relating to the
proposed equity capital raising of up to R4 billion via an accelerated bookbuild process to qualifying investors
(the "Specific Issue of Shares for Cash").
At the general meeting of Implats shareholders held today, 6 October 2015, all the special and ordinary
resolutions proposed in relation to the Specific Issue of Shares for Cash, were passed by the requisite majority
of votes.
The number of shares present and outcome of the voting are set out as follows:
Forty eight shareholders holding 525 599 177ordinary shares were present in person or represented by proxy.
This represented 85.33 % of the issued ordinary shares of Implats.
Special resolution: Amendment of MOI
Number of shares voted : Number of shares for: Number of shares against: Number of shares
525,411,038 439,950,799 85,460,239 188,043
100.00000% 83.73% 16.27%
Ordinary resolution number 1: Approval of bookbuild placement
Number of shares voted : Number of shares for: Number of shares against: Number of shares
525,411,038 464,498,411 60,912,627 188,043
100.00000% 88.41% 11.59%
Ordinary resolution number 2: Issue of subscription shares to PIC pursuant to bookbuild placement
Number of shares voted : Number of shares for: Number of shares against: Number of shares
455,041,714 393,813,611 61,228,103 70,557,367
100.00000% 86.54% 13.46%
Ordinary resolution number 3: Issue of subscription shares to Coronation pursuant to bookbuild placement
Number of shares voted : Number of shares for: Number of shares against: Number of shares
401,707,631 339,069,958 62,637,673 123,891,450
100.00000% 84.41% 15.59%
Ordinary resolution number 4: Issue of subscription shares to RBH pursuant to bookbuild placement
Number of shares voted : Number of shares for: Number of shares against: Number of shares
442,103,232 380,875,129 61,228,103 83,495,849
100.00000% 86.15% 13.85%
Ordinary resolution number 5: Authorising resolution
Number of shares voted : Number of shares for: Number of shares against: Number of shares
525,411,038 464,743,904 60,667,134 188,043
100.00000% 88.45% 11.55%
6 October 2015
Transaction sponsor
UBS South Africa Proprietary Limited
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