GFI 201505070024A
Results of AGM
Gold Fields Limited
Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)
Registration Number 1968/004880/06)
ISIN: ZAE000018123
"Gold Fields" or “the Company”)
Shareholders are advised that at the Annual General Meeting of Gold Fields
Limited held on Wednesday 6 May 2015, the ordinary and special
resolutions, as well as advisory endorsement of the company’s remuneration
policy, as set out in the notice of the annual general meeting dispatched
to shareholders on 31 March 2015 were passed, on a poll, by the requisite
Details of the results of the voting are as follows:
Total issued share capital: 778,014,626
Total number of shares present/
represented including proxies at the meeting: 633,913,501
being 81.48% of the total votable shares
Ordinary Number of Shares Shares Shares
resolutions shares voted for: voted abstained:
voted against:
1.Re- 632,851,870 632,707,966 143,904 1,061,631
appointment of
auditors % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
issued voted voted issued
shares shares
100% 99.98% 0.02% 0.13%
2.Re-election 632,755,562 583,940,390 48,815,172 1,157,939
of a director:
AR Hill until % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
31 December issued voted voted issued
2015 shares shares
100% 92.29% 7.71% 0.14%
3. Re-election 632,755,585 612,150,630 20,604,955 1,157,917
of a director:
RP Menell % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
shares voted voted issued
100% 96.74% 3.26% 0.14%
4. Re-election 632,753,677 563,816,355 68,937,322 1,159,824
of a director:
CA Carolus % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
issued voted voted issued
shares shares
100% 89.11% 10.89% 0.14%
5. Re-election 632,760,553 618,974,269 13,786,284 1,152,948
of a member
and Chair of % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
the Audit issued voted voted issued
Committee: GM shares shares
Wilson 100% 97,82% 2.18% 0,14%
6. Re-election 632,757,840 612,470,609 20,287,231 1,155,661
of a member of
the Audit % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
Committee:RP issued voted voted issued
Menell shares shares
100% 96.79% 3.21% 0,14%
7. Re-election 632,742,663 618,942,260 13,800,403 1,170,838
of a member of
the Audit % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
Committee: DMJ issued voted voted issued
Ncube shares shares
100% 97.82% 2.18% 0.15%
8. Approval 618,782,420 563,405,305 55,377,115 15,131,081
for the issue
of authorised % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
but unissued issued voted voted issued
ordinary shares shares
shares 100% 91.05% 8.95% 1.94%
9. Approval 618,530,599 563,402,248 55,128,351 15,382,902
for the
issuing of % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
equity issued voted voted issued
securities for shares shares
cash 100% 91.09% 8.91% 1.97%
10. Advisory 587,394,330 454,240,649 133,153,681 46,519,171
endorsement of
the % of total % of shares % of shares % of total
remuneration issued voted voted issued
policy shares shares
100% 77.33% 22.67% 5.97%
Special Number of Shares Shares Shares
resolutions shares voted for: voted abstained:
voted against:
1. Approval of 608,238,141 601,075,672 7,162,469 25,675,360
remuneration % of total % of shares % of % of total
of non- issued voted shares issued
executive shares voted shares
directors 100% 98.82% 1.18% 3.30%
2. Approval 618,940,188 617,657,566 1,282,622 14,973,313
for the
Company to % of total % of shares % of % of total
grant issued voted shares issued
financial shares voted shares
assistance in 100% 99.79% 0.21% 1.92%
terms of
section 44 and
45 of the Act
3. Acquisition 618,826,606 531,335,651 87,490,955 15,086,895
of Company’s
own shares % of total % of shares % of % of total
issued voted shares issued
shares voted shares
100% 85.86% 14.14% 1.93%
Over 81.48% of votable shares were represented at the AGM.
The special resolutions will be filed with the Companies and Intellectual
Property Commission in accordance with the requirements of the Companies
Act, No 71 of 2008.
07 May 2015
J.P. Morgan Equities South Africa (Pty) Ltd
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