ACE - Accentuate Limited - Disposal by Accentuate10 Jan 2012
ACE - Accentuate Limited - Disposal by Accentuate of the operational assets     
and liabilities of CGA Fenestrations (Pty) Limited                              
Accentuate Limited                                                              
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)                                  
(Registration number 2004/029691/06)                                            
JSE Share code: ACE   ISIN: ZAE000115986                                        
("Accentuate" or "the Company")                                                 
FENESTRATIONS (PTY) LIMITED ("CGA" OR "THE DISPOSAL")                           
This announcement replaces the announcement that was released on SENS on 14     
December 2011 with regard to the disposal of CGA as there are additional        
disclosures that have been included in the announcement.                        
1.   INTRODUCTION                                                               
    The directors of Accentuate are pleased to announce that Accentuate has     
    entered into an agreement with Wys Investments (Pty) Limited ("the          
Purchaser") to dispose of the operational assets and liabilities of CGA     
    for an amount of R 9,557 million (Nine million, five hundred and fifty      
    seven thousand rand) ("the Disposal Price").                                
2.   CGA - BRIEF COMPANY PROFILE                                                
CGA is a company specialising in the design and erection of glass and       
    aluminium solutions since 1993. CGA operates in the construction sector,    
    currently a manufacturer and installer for the commercial, retail and       
    top-end residential markets of glass facades, shop fronts, windows,         
doors and aluminium composite panel cladding.                               
3.   WYS INVESTMENTS (PTY) LTD - BRIEF COMPANY PROFILE                          
    Wys Investments (Pty) Ltd is a special purpose vehicle being utilised       
    for the purposes of this transaction, previously a dormant company. In      
terms of the transaction agreement, the Purchaser has confirmed to          
    Accentuate that the Purchaser is not a related party in terms of the JSE    
    Listings Requirements.                                                      
4.   SALIENT FEATURES OF THE DISPOSAL                                           
In line with the earlier announcements in this regard, Accentuate is        
    disposing of the operational assets and liabilities of CGA. The claims      
    that Accentuate has against the previous vendors of CGA are on-going and    
    will remain due to Accentuate until such time that they are resolved.       
5.   RATIONALE OF THE DISPOSAL                                                  
    The under-performance of this company has been an area of concern for       
    Accentuate for some time and notwithstanding serious remedial action,       
    this division has remained a drain on the resources of the group. In        
addition, the macro-economic factors impacting on CGA have deteriorated     
    over a number of years and management does not foresee a dramatic change    
    in these macro-economic conditions in the short to medium term. This        
    coupled with the fact that CGA has taken up a disproportionate amount of    
Accentuate management time and resources, has led to the disposal of CGA    
    as a going concern. The net effect of this transaction is that              
    Accentuate can focus its time and resources on the core cash generative     
    assets that have performed consistently since listing. The relationships    
that Accentuate has developed since its establishment in 1953, provide a    
    platform for both organic and acquisitive growth within its areas of        
    expertise and competency.                                                   
6.   EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE DISPOSAL                                             
The effective date of the disposal is 1 September 2011.                     
7.   CONDITIONS PRECEDENT                                                       
    The Disposal is subject to the following conditions precedent:              
         *    The Purchaser pays a sum of R 4 million on or before 15           
December 2011 ("closing date");                                   
         *    Approval by the Board of Directors of Accentuate; and             
         *    Granting of all regulatory approvals as may be required.          
8.   TERMS OF ARRANGEMENT                                                       
The balance of the Disposal Price will be settled as follows:               
         *    R1 500 000.00 (one million five hundred thousand rand) 12         
              months after closing date;                                        
         *    R2 000 000.00 (two million rand) 24 months after closing date;    
         *    R2 057 000.00 (two million and fifty seven thousand rand) 36      
              months after closing date.                                        
Accentuate has received an irrevocable undertaking from the Purchaser to        
settle the outstanding Disposal Price within the dates stated above.            
There are no other significant terms of the agreement between Wys Investments   
(Pty) Ltd and Accentuate Limited.                                               
9.   CATEGORISATION OF THE DISPOSAL                                             
The Disposal is a category 2 transaction in terms of the JSE Listings       
10.  FINANCIAL EFFECTS OF THE DISPOSAL                                          
    The unaudited pro forma financial effects of Accentuate before and after    
the disposal are based on the audited results of Accentuate for the year    
    ended 30 June 2011. The unaudited financial effects are presented for       
    illustrative purposes only, to provide information on the impact of the     
    disposal may have impacted on the results and financial position of         
Accentuate. The unaudited pro forma financial effects are the               
    responsibility of Accentuate`s directors. Due to the nature of the          
    unaudited pro forma financial effects, they may not fairly present          
    Accentuate`s financial position and the results of its operations after     
the disposal. It has been assumed for the purpose of the calculation of     
    headline earnings per share and earnings per share that the disposal        
    took place with effect from 1 July 2010, and for the calculation of net     
    asset value ("NAV") and tangible net asset value ("TNAV"), the disposal     
took effect from 30 June 2011. The financial effects do not purport to      
    be indicative of what the financial results would have been, had the        
    disposal been implemented on a different date. The unaudited pro forma      
    financial information has been presented in a manner consistent in all      
respects with IFRS as well as Accentuate`s accounting policies which        
    have been applied consistently throughout the period.                       
The financial effects of the disposal are set out below:                        
                                 Before    After the %                          
the       disposal  chang                      
                                 disposal            e                          
                                 Amount    Amount                               
 Basic earnings per share (EPS)  (71.58)   (59.14)   17.4                       
 Diluted earnings per share      (71.58)   (59.14)   17.4                       
 (EPS) (cents)                                                                  
 Headline earnings per share     (3.72)    8.72      334.4                      
(HEPS) (cents)                                                                 
 Diluted headline earnings per   (3.72)    8.72      334.4                      
 share (HEPS) (cents)                                                           
 Net asset value per share       105       105       0.0                        
(NAV) (cents)                                                                  
 Tangible net asset value        73        73        0.0                        
 (TNAV) (cents)                                                                 
 Shares in issue                 111 108   111 108   0.0                        
119       119                                  
 Weighted average number of      104 231   104 231   0.0                        
 shares in issue                 138       138                                  
1.   The "Before the disposal Amount" and "After disposal Amount" basic     
         earnings per share include the impairments of R70.8 million            
         disclosed in the June 2011 annual report. Such impairments equates     
         to a loss of 68 cents per share.                                       
2.   The EPS, HEPS, Diluted EPS and Diluted HEPS in the "Before" column     
         of the table are based on the audited statement of comprehensive       
         income of Accentuate for the year ended 30 June 2011 and               
         104,231,138 Accentuate ordinary shares in issue (being the weighted    
diluted number of ordinary shares in issue for the year ended 30       
         June 2011)                                                             
    3.   The EPS, HEPS, Diluted EPS and Diluted HEPS in the "After" column      
         of the table are based on 104,231,138 Accentuate ordinary shares in    
issue and the assumptions that:                                        
         -    the Disposal became effective on 1 July 2010 and the purchase     
              price was settled on that date;                                   
         -    the Disposal Price was settled in cash; and                       
-    the cash was invested on the Money Market at an after tax rate    
              of 4.3%, yielding an annual after tax interest of R 412,862.      
    4.   The NAV per share and TNAV per share in the "Before" column of the     
         table are based on the audited statement of financial position of      
Accentuate at 30 June 2011 with 111,108,119 Accentuate ordinary        
         shares in issue.                                                       
    5.   The NAV per share and TNAV per share in the "After" column of the      
         table are based on the assumptions that the disposal was completed     
on 30 June 2011 with 111,108,119 Accentuate ordinary shares in         
    6.   The pro forma financial effects have not been reviewed by              
         Accentuate`s auditors.                                                 
11.  FINALISATION ANNOUNCEMENT                                                  
    As per the announcement published on SENS on 15 December 2011,              
    shareholders were advised that the transaction became unconditional on      
    15 December 2011.                                                           
10 January 2012                                                                 
Designated Advisor and Corporate Advisor: Bridge Capital Advisors (Pty)         
Date: 10/01/2012 17:30:01 Produced by the JSE SENS Department.                  
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