SIM - Simmer & Jack Mines Limited - General issu5 Mar 2009
SIM -  Simmer & Jack Mines, Limited - General issue of shares for cash          
Simmer & Jack Mines, Limited                                                    
(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)                                  
(Registration number 1924/007778/06)                                            
Share code: SIM    ISIN Code: ZAE000006722                                      
("Simmers" or "the Company")                                                    
GENERAL ISSUE OF SHARES FOR CASH                                                
At the annual general meeting of the Company held on 19 September 2008, the     
requisite majority of Simmers shareholders approved an ordinary resolution      
authorising the directors to issue shares for cash in accordance with paragraph 
5.52 of the JSE Limited ("JSE") Listings Requirements ("the general authority").
In accordance with the general authority the Company has successfully placed    
49,336,905 ordinary shares ("the placed shares"), equating to 4.65% per cent of 
the Company`s issued share capital, raising R110,514,667. The placed shares will
be listed on the JSE with effect from the commencement of business on or about  
09 March 2009 and rank pari passu with the existing ordinary shares of the      
Company. They were placed with approximately eleven local and international     
institutional shareholders, all of whom qualify as "public" shareholders within 
the meaning of paragraphs 4.25 and 4.26 of the JSE Listings Requirements.       
Application of proceeds                                                         
On 18 February 2009, the Company announced that it had entered into an agreement
with AngloGold Ashanti Limited to acquire, as a going concern,  the assets,     
intellectual property and associated rights to the Tau Lekoa Mine including the 
Weltevreden and Goedgenoeg properties ("Tau Lekoa") for a consideration of R600 
million (the "Acquisition"). This Acquisition is viewed as transformational for 
the Company`s gold business and establishes Simmers as a mid-tier gold producer.
The Acquisition will add approximately 130 000 ounces per annum to Simmer`s     
current gold production profile as soon as the deal is closed, thereby providing
scale, diversifying production risk and providing operational synergies with the
existing Buffelsfontein Gold Mines Limited ("BGM") operations.                  
The Company will be applying the proceeds to fund the following new projects    
associated with the Acquisition:                                                
- Tau Lekoa / BGM business integration, specifically the integration of ore-    
handling capability and logistics from Tau Lekoa to BGM, and integration of all 
other mine systems: R45-million.                                                
- Weltevreden Feasibility Study: R45-million.                                   
- Goedgenoeg - Pre-feasibility Study: R10-million. This is aimed at optimising  
the resources at the Goedgenoeg property by progressing the existing scoping    
report to pre-feasibility level.                                                
The Goedgenoeg and Weltevreden properties, located to the west and east of Tau  
Lekoa, respectively, offer the possibility of further upside. Weltevreden was   
initially developed by Gencor Limited as a mine with a surface decline during   
the early 1990s at a capital cost of R229 million, but development was stopped  
for economic reasons during 1992. There is potential to restart this operation  
and exploit its large Ventersdorp Contact Reef Mineral Resource. The feasibility
study is aimed at supplementing Tau Lekoa production with early production from 
Weltevreden through a phased approach.                                          
In terms of the private placing, Simmers placed 49,336,905 ordinary shares at an
issue price of R2.24 per ordinary share, being a 5% discount to the 30-day      
volume weighted average price of R2.36 per ordinary share as at 20 February     
Gordon Miller, Simmers` chief executive officer, said: "The acquisition of Tau  
Lekoa is a superb accretive opportunity. It underpins the significance of       
Buffelsfontein Gold Mine and establishes Simmers as a mid-tier producer, with   
the corresponding potential for a market re-rating. On closing, the acquisition 
will not only provide an immediate boost to our production profile at average   
cash costs of $500 per ounce, but it will also provide significant upside in    
terms of the potential to fast-track production from the neighbouring shallow   
ore body of Weltevreden, which has the potential to produce an additional 1.5   
million ounces over a 12 year period."                                          
Miller said that at current gold prices, the addition of Tau Lekoa would provide
sufficient free cash flow from operations for Simmers to meet its planned       
organic growth needs at BGM and at its Mpumalanga operation, Transvaal Gold     
Mining Estates Limited ("TGME").                                                
These include the development of low-cost, low-risk surface mining projects at  
TGME and the Buffelsfontein Mega Float Project which aims to optimise BGM`s     
waste rock dumps.                                                               
In addition to the R110,514,667 raised through the placement of Simmers shares, 
the Company is also set to receive approximately C$90,160,000 (R734,199,928)    
from the sale of  19 600 000 common shares of its 53.93%-held subsidiary,  First
Uranium Corporation ("FIU") through a bought deal financing agreement with a    
syndicate of underwriters led by RBC Capital Markets (the "Offering").  As      
previously disclosed, the net proceeds of the Offering will be applied by       
Simmers towards a part of the purchase consideration of R600 million for the    
acquisition of the Tau Lekoa Mine from AngloGold Ashanti. R150 million of the   
purchase price consideration will be offset by a Simmers` portion of the free   
cash flow generated by Tau Lekoa Mine during 2009.                              
The Offering is expected to close on 09 March 2009, whereupon Simmers will      
continue to own 62 122 653 common shares in FIU, representing 40.99% of the 151 
574 037 common shares issued and outstanding.                                   
Simmers has also granted the underwriters a 15% overallotment option,           
exercisable for a period of 30 days from the closing of the Offering, which if  
exercised, would result in further funding of C$13, 524, 000 (R110,129,989)     
towards the acquisition of Tau Lekoa.                                           
05 March 2009                                                                   
Sasfin Capital (a division of Sasfin Bank Limited)                              
Legal advisor                                                                   
Routledge Modise in association with Eversheds                                  
Corporate advisor and joint book runner                                         
Qinisele Resources (Pty) Ltd                                                    
Joint book runner                                                               
Date: 05/03/2009 08:20:02 Produced by the JSE SENS Department.                  
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